Games Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Positive All reviews

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Since I am a fan of detective stories in general and the Danganronpa series in particular, I could not pass up this series of games. I completed the NDS version using Drastic on Android. Although there are only 5 cases, each new case is more complicated and longer than the previous one, which makes it very interesting to play. I especially liked case 4, it was very tense, as it had to do with characters that I had already developed a liking for. I would also like to note the 5th case, created specifically for the NDS version (4 previous investigations were ports from the GBA) with the addition of unique functions such as the ability to rotate evidence and interact with the microphone (For example, you can even blow off powder through the emulator by blowing into the microphone, and also sh… Read full


The first part is about the beginning of the career of lawyer Ryuichi Naruhodo, who must extract the truth from a lying witness during cross-examination, and when the player finds a contradiction in the words of the witness, showing the corresponding evidence, Ryu shouts out his signature - OBJECTION!

Shu Takumi, who is mostly known as the game designer in the Dino Crysis duology on PS1, but here he is the creator, Takumi did an excellent job on the characters, plot and each chapter in the first part.

The gameplay is a visual novel and a quest, during meetings you can find a contradiction in the words of the witness, as I described above, you can also shout HOLD IT to find out more about what was said from the witness, you can also question him so that he revealed a new proposal or even new … Read full
