Games Psychonauts 2 Positive All reviews

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Psychonauts 2 is still the same solid, but sometimes infuriating game.

We play, as in the first part, for Raz/Razputin - a boy who wants to become a psychonaut - a special agent whose feature is psi-abilities.

The main character, as before, can increase the rank of the agent, thereby improving his abilities, but in fact, you can get by with their initial level - this does not fundamentally affect the passage.

The main “trick” remains the journey into the minds of people to combat their fears, the worlds of which are interesting, diverse, wonderful, but often drawn out. In addition to the length, I was disappointed that there were no worlds that caused surprise, as there were the world of Napoleon's brother and the world of the mutant fish Linda from the first part; and, of course, the lack of… Read full
