Games Quake Champions All reviews Review from Comrade_Strogg

Quake is back. But is it really that big today?

No, not big at all. The game has two problems. The gazebo was a waste of PR on all fronts, only those who have been in the id community for a long time and random crocodiles have heard about the game. The second problem is that the game is not casual at all. Several times in the chat, newbies with CD 4/22 asked “how to play this??”, while the dads and average players kicked their asses.

Yes, everything was added to the game to make it a long-term money-squeezer: skins for champions, skins for weapons, colorings, accessories, icons, etc. But why does it only get 700 people online at best? 700 people is nothing for such a game, especially for a game that should be on a par with Kaesochka, Timfortres and Overwatch. 700 people is ridiculous.

“The game is still in early access!”, you say. This is true, but what will change? The entire new community, which was supposed to continue the legacy of Kwaki, had already tried the game, got scalded and told their friends: “this is some crap, go to hell,” and they can be understood. You need to play at least 10-15 hours in order to understand the essence of the game as little as possible, begin to understand its mechanics, and understand in what position it is better to take it. But 10-15 hours of sucking on fathers, getting a CD of 4/22, is too much for today's gamers, and again they can be understood.

You can still try to save the game. You just need to add not only duels, but also all other modes to ranked matches. Let beginners play with beginners, fathers with fathers. That's all, there won't be any problems. But, since everyone has already become frightened by the gameplay of the game, we will have to launch a huge PR campaign at the start so that people give Quake a second chance.

Quake is wonderful and it would be a shame if he again became a “game for his own people”.

10 / 10
8 / 10
5.5 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
7.5 / 10
8 / 10
6 / 10
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