The game takes place in the cramped slums of an alternative America, where economic collapse has greatly affected the differences between social... Read more
Resident Evil Village (Save Room) - Lobby soundtrack. An audio mod that changes the lobby soundtrack to the Resident Evil Village (Save Room) soundtrack. To install, place the downloaded files in this path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/comm ...
Redbull SOCOM suppressor. A simple mod that turns a SOCOM muffler into a Redbull can. Installation: 1. Go to the game folder. 2. Follow this path ReadyOrNot/Content/Paks 3. Once there, paste the provided file pakchunk99-Redbullsocom_P.pak into th ...
No Police Yell. A simple mod that replaces all police shouts with non-police shouts. Recommended if you're playing with a mod that changes military or special forces skins, so that it doesn't break your immersion every time you yell at someone. To in ...
Colt M4A1 Carbine. 1:1 scale replica of a Colt M4A1 carbine with BCM top and real markings and decals. This mod replaces the M4A1 texture. - Real Colt M4A1 markings. - BCM upper with blacksmith mark and BCM logo. - UID tag. Installation: Just dra ...
MR73 Manhurin. This is a reskin of the legendary MR73 Manhurin. Features: - One version has a classic wooden handle. - One version has the new Traush handle. - All Manhurin markings are present.
EFT - SDN-6. Replaces SOCOM suppressor with Tarkov's SDN-6. I created ORM textures, the rest is from Tarkov. Installation: To install, place the PAK in the game's pak directory: Ready or Not -> ReadyOrNot -> Content -> Paks.
M92FS RESKIN walnut grip. Replaces the dull boring uninteresting plain colorless DEFAULT M9 skin with something more distinctive. To install you need to extract the pak file from the zip folder and place it in the paks folder.
BeanBag shotgun RESKIN 4K. A trip down memory lane, a taste of nostalgia! Swat 4 game style shotgun texture. To install you need to extract the pak file from the zip folder and place it in the paks folder.