The game takes place in the cramped slums of an alternative America, where economic collapse has greatly affected the differences between social... Read more
Siphon Filter Music Overhaul (WIP). Replaces the music in the main menu, police station and gas station/car dealership with music from the Siphon Filter series of games. There is a small easter egg that I added to the car dealership map. To install, ...
Trauma Team style voices for SWAT. Applies a filter to all SWAT team voices to simulate some form of futuristic voice enhancement. Based on the voices of Team Trauma Team Cyberpunk 2077, this mod replaces all SWAT team voices with filtered ones. They ...
No Police Yell. A simple mod that replaces all police shouts with non-police shouts. Recommended if you're playing with a mod that changes military or special forces skins, so that it doesn't break your immersion every time you yell at someone. To in ...
Voice Line Replacer (1.0). This mod updates and changes the voice line for each character to better suit players using military skins by removing voice lines that have the word "police" in them for each of the team members. To implement the files use ...
Resident Evil Village (Save Room) - Lobby soundtrack. An audio mod that changes the lobby soundtrack to the Resident Evil Village (Save Room) soundtrack. To install, place the downloaded files in this path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/comm ...
SCP Main Menu and Lobby Soundtrack. An audio mod that changes the music in the main menu and lobby to SCP soundtracks. Copy the file and replace it in the file folder. C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Ready Or Not/ReadyOrNot/Content/FMOD ...
Ready Or Zombie. This sound mod makes all the civilians and suspicious ones sound like COD ZOMBIES. It'll be hard, you won't be able to understand their zombie language, but if you hear "RAAAAAAA" you better get ready! Installation: 1. Copy all 3 ...
Sicario soundtrack for Meth Level - Combat and ambience replacer. An audio mod that replaces the combat and ambient music for the Meth house level with soundtracks from the movie "The Killer". Installation: 1. Select the desired version 2. copy (M ...