Games Red Faction: Guerrilla Files Savegames Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% with the Demons of the Badlands add-on)

Save / SaveGame (Game completed 100% with the Demons of the Badlands add-on)

  • Author: AndreiFedorukKZ
    Size: 5.25 MB
    Uploaded by: Missiya
    Date: July 24, 2018, 07:11 AM
    Downloads: 281

    All 104 partisan operations have been completed in the save. Important POP buildings were destroyed. All radio tags of hello and past 36 out of 36 have been found. All 300 out of 300 ore deposits have been developed. Over 250 boxes of POPs were destroyed. 55 propaganda billboards were destroyed.

    Also completed the addition to the game Demons of the Badlands:

    - Completed all 3 story missions.

    - Completed all 11 partisan operations.

    - All important buildings of the POP have been destroyed

    - Found over 75 batteries scattered across the map.

    The game was completed on the "Insane" difficulty level, there are all achievements.

    The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
    Сохранение / SaveGame (Игра пройдена на 100% с дополнением Demons of the Badlands)

    В сохранении пройдены все 104 партизанские операции. Разрушены важные постройки СОЗ. Найдены все радио метки привет и прошлого 36 из 36. Разработаны все 300 из 300 месторождений руды. Разрушено свыше 250 ящиков СОЗ. Разрушено 55 билбордов с пропагандой.

    Также пройдено дополнение к игре Demons of the Badlands:

    - Пройдены все 3 сюжетные миссии.

    - Пройдены все 11 партизанские операции.

    - Разрушены все важные постройки СОЗ

    - Найдено свыше 75 батарей разбросанных по карте.

    Игра пройдена на уровне сложности "Безумная", есть все достижения.

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