Resident Evil: Resistance
Resident Evil: Resistance is a third-person cooperative action game set in the Resident Evil universe. Gameplay in the format of 4 (survivors) against 1 (the one... Read more
Swimmer Jill
Swimmer Jill. This mod adds a swimmer costume for Jill. Replaces all outfits except Alpaca.
Sexy hacker Jen
Sexy Hacker Jan 1.0. This mod replaces Jen's standard costume with the image of a sexy hacker in short, tight shorts.
Boxer Sam
Boxer Sam. This mod changes Sam's default skin to a boxing outfit. Gloves and shorts included.
New art
Isaac Choo's RER Illustration Sprays. This mod replaces the following arts that you can apply with a spray can - No. 5, 6, 7.
Becca with perfect body
Becca Body Perfection. This mod strips Becca down to her sexy swimsuit and gives her a beautiful new body.
Computer chic
Geek Chic 3.0. This mod replaces Valerie's Hay There costume with a geeky video game fan costume.
Well, the 70s
That 70's Val. Modification/repainting of costume. Replaces Valerie's Red Rider costume with a stylish 70s costume.
Mr. X in mask
Mr X Q. The director of REsistance reported that during development, holding certain buttons would cause Mr. X to appear with the Q mask from Street fighter. This Easter egg was cut from the game before release. However, it inspired me to quickly cre ...
Yorick as a survivor
Yorick as Survivor 2.1 Update – Fixed outfit. This mod adds Yorick to the game as a survivor. Includes full facial animation and corrected equipment.
Annette as a survivor
Annette as Survivor 2.1(Latest version). Annette as Survivor 2.1 with full facial animation and improved robe. File 1: Annette instead of Val File 2: Annette instead of Jill
Valerie Batgel
Batgirl Valerie. This mod adds a new costume for Valerie, like Batgel.
Jen in a short T-shirt
January Sweet Dreams. Jen wearing Sweet Dreams. Replaces standard clothes with thin ones, and outfits with a skirt and Claire with a longer tank top.
Cavewoman Jill
Cavewoman Jill 2.1. This mod adds a caveman costume for Jill. Replaces all outfits except alpaca skin.
Jill in a cow costume
Jill Got Milk 2.0. This mod adds a cow costume with a large udder for Jill. Replaces all outfits except alpaca skin.
Shirt with Carlos
Jill Carlos Shirt. This mod adds a new design to one of Jill's shirts. Now, Carlos's face will be displayed there.