Changing enemy behavior
AI Mod. Attempts to change AI behavior: - NPCs don't hide in a hole - NPCs are following/looking for you To follow/search, you must first provoke your opponent. Unzip the zip and place the pak file in your Scorn/Content/Paks folder.
Camera mod
Camera Mod. Changes the camera's movement limits. Changed values: - PitchLowerLimitWhileMoving -50 -> -53.5 - PitchLimit 87.5 -> 77.5 - YawDiffLimit 45 -> 60 - YawDiffLimitOnConsole 60 -> 100 Installation: - Unzip the zip and place the pak file in ...
Walking instead of running
Walk Mod. This mod replaces the character's running with walking. Two versions are available: - OnlyWalk (only walking instead of jogging) - Walk_SlowRun (walking instead of jogging and running a little slower)