Scorn is a first-person horror adventure with survival elements inspired by the works of Hans Rüdi Giger and Alien. The game takes place in a... Read more
AI Mod. Attempts to change AI behavior: - NPCs don't hide in a hole - NPCs are following/looking for you To follow/search, you must first provoke your opponent. Unzip the zip and place the pak file in your Scorn/Content/Paks folder.
Camera Mod. Changes the camera's movement limits. Changed values: - PitchLowerLimitWhileMoving -50 -> -53.5 - PitchLimit 87.5 -> 77.5 - YawDiffLimit 45 -> 60 - YawDiffLimitOnConsole 60 -> 100 Installation: - Unzip the zip and place the pak file in ...
Walk Mod. This mod replaces the character's running with walking. Two versions are available: - OnlyWalk (only walking instead of jogging) - Walk_SlowRun (walking instead of jogging and running a little slower)