Games SCUM Files Trainers Trainer (+11) [] [MrAntiFun]

Trainer (+11) [] [MrAntiFun]

Author: MrAntiFun
Size: 625.26 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: September 5, 2018, 12:00 AM
Downloads: 520

Author: MrAntiFun

Edition: Steam

Version: Latest

Language: Eng

Functions: 11

Release date: 09/01/2018

Trainer capabilities:

- Immortality (Inf. Health)

- Besk. Stamina (Inf. Stamina)

- Besk. Hydration (Inf. Hydration)

- Stable Temperature

- Stable Life. Important Organs (Stable Vitals)

- No Hunger

- Besk. Vitamins (Inf. Vitamins)

- Besk. Minerals (Inf. Minerals)

- Empty Bladder

- Empty the Intestines (Empty Colon)

- Besk. Blood Volume (Inf. Blood Volume)

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Трейнер / Trainer (+11) [] [MrAntiFun]

Автор: MrAntiFun

Издание: Steam

Версия: Latest

Язык: Eng

Функций: 11

Дата выпуска: 01.09.2018

Возможности трейнера:

- Бессмертие (Inf. Health)

- Беск. Выносливость (Inf. Stamina)

- Беск. Гидратация (Inf. Hydration)

- Стабильная Температура (Stable Temperature)

- Стабильные Жиз. Важ. Органы (Stable Vitals)

- Без Голода (No Hunger)

- Беск. Витамины (Inf. Vitamins)

- Беск. Минералы (Inf. Minerals)

- Опустошить Пузырь (Empty Bladder)

- Опустошить Кишечник (Empty Colon)

- Беск. Объём Крови (Inf. Blood Volume)

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