Games Shattered Horizon All reviews Review from OldBoySmile

Shattered Horizon

Multiplayer shooter about shootouts in outer space.

The first thing that catches your eye is the very ambiguous graphics.

If the landscape of space can, then in terms of graphics everything else disgraces Anriel 3 as much as possible.

Very weak content of the game, both in terms of weapons and factions. There are simply no classes as such in the game. It is absolutely unclear how they intend to stimulate the players.

Here are 5 types of weapons for you. Moreover, due to the gameplay features, the “rail” is simply unplayable. So in fact 4. 2 factions and 10 cards. As the game progresses, the rank bar increases. It is not possible to perceive the experience bar as an incentive, without any reward.

Not bad


Music in the screensaver

Unusual feeling of weightlessness.

The ability to attack and be attacked from virtually any angle.


Besides space, the graphics are depressing

Few weapons

Disgusting shooting (in a multiplayer shooter) what were they hoping for??

Game design for a 5 year old space fan.

Essentially one of the cards, just a ring of flying meteorites. That is, you are among hundreds of identical stones. Simply brilliant. +1 to orientation.

Not the worst multiplayer in the world. But a very serious nominee for removal after 20 minutes.

4 / 10
5 / 10
3 / 10
Sound and Music
6 / 10
3.5 / 10
2 / 10
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