Games South Park: The Stick of Truth Positive All reviews

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I am a fan of this animated series, but I only got around to playing the game in 2019.

The best part of the game is the fan service. Essentially, this game is like one big episode or season of a TV series, there are a lot of references and signature humor, and like a big episode of a TV series, the game is excellent. those. It is strictly recommended for fans of the series, and optional for others.

But there are also disadvantages:

firstly, very frequent and essentially identical battles, in the end they become boring

And secondly, if the main quest is quite good, then the side quests are, in the truest sense of the word, nothing, those. They have no history, no humor, nothing at all. You can safely skip them. The only quests are the search for Jesus, Mr. Hankey's children, helping the Chines… Read full
