Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky All reviews

Your review and ratings for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

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Continuation of the cult series S.T.A.L.K.E.R., which was released in August 2008. Yes, it didn’t work out perfectly, thanks to bugs at the start. Optimization also leaves much to be desired. The plot is a prequel to Shadows of Chernobyl (and it’s good), new locations, heroes, factions and a completely different Zone have appeared. The graphics were simply magnificent (but what am I talking about? They look decent even now). And it is CHN that is the most graphic game in the series. The work on the lighting is simply beyond praise. There was wonderful lighting in PM, but here it’s even cooler). The soundtrack is great again


Oh God, how many years ago did I play it... Those were the days...

Just a disgusting ending, lack of multiplayer, disgusting development of the main character, crashes (and there were just a LOT of them), bugs (long live those burning in the fires stalkers), and the NPCs’ indifference to emissions are perhaps the only disadvantages of the game. Everything else is just fine.

5.5 / 10
7.8 / 10
10 / 10
7.1 / 10
Sound and Music
8.3 / 10
1 / 10
10 / 10

Many people didn’t like this part of the stalker, but I think that

this is the best part in the series. A lot of new things have been added to the game that

were not in the previous part. We added repairs to armor and weapons,

improved the graphics, and the plot became even more interesting. Overall a great game!


The second part of the game surprised me no less than the first. A mercenary nicknamed “Scar” leads a group of scientists through the Zone, discussing the topic of “emissions,” the closest of which, according to them, will not happen soon. But here’s a surprise (or surprise) in the “behavior” of the Zone! There was a “blowout”!!! And here begins the amazing story of “Scar”, who is miraculously able to survive the ejection and stay alive!!! The story of "Scar" is truly unique, but what is even more unique about this part of the game is the "Faction War"!

An exciting branch from the main plot, in which you have to not only conquer or recapture territories captured by enemies, but also help friendly factions control their territories, and, on occasion, recapture them in the same way as your own.

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
1 / 10
10 / 10
Атмосфера погружение в игру
10 / 10

The continuation of the series, which generated a whole cult of players around itself, did not take long to wait and was released in September 2008. But like any continuation, it turned out not to be as colorful as the players expected. A bunch of bugs at the start spoiled the overall picture of the game. Other heroes, new locations, new features and a different Zone, the same as it was before the events of the first part, forced the players to split into 2 camps. But as they say, taste and color... The game turned out to be different, reworked balance, improved economy, the ability to customize weapons and armor, as well as the player’s ability to join different factions are the undoubted advantages of the game. This is the background to the first part, here we learn about the main charac… Read full

Well, what can we say about the cult game, which more than one generation has grown up with? And I'm sure it will grow again. The game impresses with its animation, graphics and plot. Echoes of a dead city, a dark and gloomy world. Where everyone fights for their survival. And the main character has a goal. Of course I will appreciate it, as will many fans. And it's deserved. And the sound track... guitar music... babble


Stalker is probably one of the most recognizable game franchises. Specifically, there is a lot of hostility towards Clear Sky. And the game didn’t really work for me. Essentially, this is a prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl, and the plot here is done well. But the problem is in the gameplay. Additional activities are not interesting , in fact, faction wars are also very boring, and there is no desire to engage in this routine. Shooting is also much worse than in the first part. The world of discovery is visually good, but completely empty inside. I won’t dig into the graphics, since the picture is not the most important thing for me in games, the gameplay is important, and there are problems with it. You can play, and the game is not really bad. The plot, that very zone, its atmosphere will n… Read full


The most graphic, but at the same time buggy Stalker.

Compared to Shadow of Chernobyl, little has changed, but now you can repair and upgrade weapons, and collecting artifacts has become a more serious process, from which you get the feeling of how great you are.

And also machine gunner Vova Vist. I think that many dropped the game at the moment of the fight with him. I managed to run through this damn checkpoint only after 1.5 hours of futile attempts, crawling under dense machine-gun fire.

Several new atmospheric locations have appeared in the game, for example the Red Forest, in which you can find a tank with an awesome, but extremely heavy machine gun.

Even in the abandoned hospital you will have to seriously fight with a helicopter. A very epic moment.

Well, the plot here is extremely i… Read full

Yoshito (гость)
March 8, 2024

It is the most controversial part, but also the one that gave the stalker a lot of good opportunities.

-Repair and Upgrade of Equipment

-Attitude of Groups to the player (and not stupid reputation level as in PM)

-New system of artifacts and addition of detectors

Although there are quite a lot of minuses, it will take a long time to list, but everyone mostly complains about bugs (by the way, quite a few remain unresolved even from the latest off-version) and the gang war that turned the stalker into, roughly speaking, a shooting gallery (although, in my opinion, this is not bad since you need to introduce something new, otherwise if this was a copy of PM the players would hardly be happy)

Владд (гость)
January 25, 2024

The most beautiful game in the series. The most unstable and unoptimized at the start. The developers managed to bug the simplest one-turn mini-quests like “Bring the cartridges” - as soon as you took the cartridges from the merchant, immediately “The task was failed.” The swamps are the best location of all the games in the series. The gang war is wonderful - it is impossible to recapture the Depot at the Landfill forever - he took it, moved away a little - immediately goes back to the gangsters. If you didn’t accept the task “Recapture the Northern Checkpoint” in the Swamps (the extreme northeast behind the mechanical yard) the first time, it remains with the bandits forever, their own people don’t come to occupy it, when you attack it, if you move away a little, the killed bandits always return. Glitches, bugs, and beauty.


An excellent part that brought many new mechanics to the series, namely;

+Weapon upgrade

+Random events like “Hey, stalker, a couple of dogs are going to attack us, even though there are five of us, we can’t handle them without you, help us, otherwise they’ll kill us soon”

+Now you can make friends with bandits (although I ruined this opportunity, but I’ll try in ZP)

+cut scenes have reached a new level.

+ a lot more different side quests (I wrote this and remembered that I never completed one of the first side quests where you need to help the green stalker shoot the dogs)


- You can’t continue playing after the end of the story (Poor stalker . by the end of the game someone would probably have already bitten him to death or died in the ejection)


+ Speaking of emissions. They were also ad… Read full


The weakest part of the trilogy, although the most beautiful. The graphics, of course, were improved, but the atmosphere was forgotten. Everything turned into some kind of Call of Duty Zone Edition, especially in the Hospital and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. You can play, but with caution and preferably with mods, of which there are quite a few.

6 / 10
9 / 10
6.5 / 10
7.5 / 10
Sound and Music
9 / 10
1 / 10
10 / 10

After playing in the shadow of Chernobyl, I was looking forward to the continuation. The game is no different in terms of graphics. Everything is the same and at the same level. Now among gamers you can find many opinions about this game. Some people disparage it, others, on the contrary, praise it. I will express my point of view. In my opinion, a good step in terms of plot. The game is interesting for its plot and game dynamics. In the game you will join the Clear Sky squad, which takes care of the safety of the zone. At some point, information appears about the unfavorable actions of a stalker nicknamed Strelok. His actions can kill all life in the zone. And then your hunt for him begins.

The rest of the game is the same: the same combat range, the same monsters, the same textures and da… Read full

7.3 / 10
7 / 10
7.3 / 10
7.7 / 10
Sound and Music
5.1 / 10
5.5 / 10
5.5 / 10

Of all three parts, Clear Sky is the worst. My main complaint is that the developers destroyed the atmosphere of the “Exclusion Zone” due to the inclusion of “gang wars” in the game and an increase in the total number of people roaming the territory of the map (there were more people than monsters). As I wrote in my review of Shadow of Chernobyl, the main advantage of the first part was the creation of an oppressive atmosphere of the “Exclusion Zone” by creating a deceptive silence, when the player was surrounded by the illusion of a lifeless space, where the “Zone” itself was the main monster. This was the key to the success of Shadow of Chernobyl and what differentiated the game from all other games like it. Clear Sky, as well as Call of Pripyat, destroyed this atmosphere, which is why t… Read full
