Games S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl All reviews

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All reviews S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

I only recently learned about Stalker. Yes, yes, I learned about this game in 2014. When I turned it on, I saw one of the best screensavers I've ever seen in a game, partly because of ZIL, partly because of the graphics.

Then the game itself began. I was so pleased to hear these strange cries of bandits, listen to stalkers playing the guitar, and meet burnt-out UAZs and ZILs. The game kept me hooked for dozens of hours. It has a large, well-developed world, an exciting plot, funny characters, and an unforgettably gloomy atmosphere. Of the minuses, I can only note the graphics below the level of 2007 and the inconvenient interface.

Now I can proudly wait for Stalker 2.


In my opinion, this is the best product from developers from the CIS. The most atmospheric and unique game. It has everything that fans of the RPG and action genres need. Huge locations for their time, tons of weapons and armor, a huge number of different quests, different clans and types of mutants, an interesting, addictive plot and, most importantly, the unique atmosphere of the Exclusion Zone. And this is the main feature of the game. This is what distinguishes it from all other similar projects. I have never seen anything like this anywhere. Darkness, cold, fear and adrenaline - that’s what you feel as you explore every meter of the Chernobyl land saturated with death and radiation. Starting as a simple stalker without a past, who was transported on a “death truck” towards Cardona, yo… Read full


For several years now since its release I have been replaying TC in the original and with mods I almost always find something new, I like it and enjoy it.🙂🙂🙂


I'm a stalker fan myself, and I think this part is the best game in the entire series. It is clear that the developers made the game with their souls, which is why such a wonderful game came out. The graphics were simply excellent for that time. An interesting plot, a lot of hiding places and many different weapons - this is not all that can be listed from this game.

The game has a unique atmosphere of the Chernobyl zone, which draws the player in more and more, attracts and attracts him more and more. Locations also play a huge role, they are quite large and realistic, especially the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, sometimes you get the feeling that you have actually been there, in the “zone”.

When I found out about the books in the Stalker series, I immediately bought one, and I really l… Read full


Considering that the game is not new, I will rate it based on graphics and various bugs (and they sometimes happen) approximately for that period.

And so let's begin...

The first thing I liked about the game was the graphics (I started playing immediately after the game came out) at that time it really seemed gorgeous to me, now having played games like DayZ I understand that The graphics aren’t great, but they don’t suck either, by today’s standards I would give it a solid 7/10, but since I rate it by the standards of that year, it’s a solid 10/10.

The second thing I liked was the realism of the shooting. I somehow looked through the game configs and became convinced that a lot of time and money was spent on the shooting physics. Now we are used to the fact that wherever you aim, you hit it … Read full


Great game. In 2007, it became the most striking example of success for the Ukrainian gaming industry. The plot, by today's standards, is far from a masterpiece, but its idea is clearly visible even today. Not to mention what an amazing world they came up with, albeit inspired by Roadside Picnic. Even despite the protracted development and the number of ports that Cyberpunk 2077 would envy, the game remains pleasing to the eye today. During the first launches and after I learned that the game was from my compatriots, this caused surprise and pride. We are waiting for C2.


In my opinion, the game has earned cult status, as they continue to play it and create modifications. One thing you can love about this product is the atmosphere of the former USSR. An excellent plot with different endings. The weapons feel powerful to everyone, each has its own potential. For this you can give 8.5 points.


The game is not very long in terms of plot, but this fact is dispelled by the fact that the game has 7 endings. The game is quite mysterious, but if some bug happens, you can get your pants wet. If you have not played stalker before, you will immediately feel that it is not possible to shoot in this game, but over time you will get used to it

7.5 / 10
5.5 / 10
8.6 / 10
8.8 / 10
Sound and Music
9 / 10
3 / 10
9.9 / 10
10 / 10

"STALKER". Oh, how many memories are associated with this word, which initially meant dudes wandering through abandoned places and other forgotten places, after 2007 they forever became associated with the trilogy of games that were created in the post-Soviet space, and therefore became so atmospheric and great for people from the same post-Soviet space.

Now, shortly before the release of the second part, it’s time to write a review of the games that have already been released in this series. And now I’ll tell you about the first one, about “Shadow of Chernobyl”

Now, when it comes to this city, we don’t hesitate to remember this particular game, and we take such thoughts for granted, but initially Stalker was supposed to talk about a fictional man-made tragedy in Crimea, and only then did th… Read full

8.3 / 10
8.7 / 10
7.9 / 10
8.5 / 10
Sound and Music
6.5 / 10
7.3 / 10
9.7 / 10
Стрелок (гость)
March 3, 2023

Game legend. If you sit down to play, it gets addictive for about 2 hours (every time you start it). The atmosphere of that disaster at the nuclear power plant, that chaos. The game has a variety of weapons (even RPGs), armor, and of course those who will not let you get bored (mutants). And the first meeting with the Bloodsucker or the Controller can generally teach you all the delights of the Russian language (whoever understands understands). In general, "S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl" is a game from 2007, but it is still good.


From my point of view, the very first part of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series. is the best in terms of authenticity and uniqueness. It is the Shadow of Chernobyl series that is best developed, because there is neither an excessive number of shootings (and enemies as such), as was the case in the second part of Clear Sky, nor an obvious overkill with quests, as was the case in the third part of Call of Pripyat. In other words, Shadow of Chernobyl is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. that carries the true spirit of the game. I can say differently: if instead of Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky or even Call of Pripyat had been released first, the game would not have received such fame and popularity simply because the second and third parts are ordinary shooters, of which there are now hundreds. Personally, I'… Read full


Best game of 2007. What is it, the best game of the generation. This game is more iconic and innovative than Super Mario. And the best thing is that the game was made by my fellow countrymen. =Yes, yes, don’t be surprised=. Everything in the game is great and there is nothing bad in it, but of course there are also disadvantages: the shooting mechanics are a little worse than in fear because each weapon is not felt at all. And what interesting quests are in the game, my respects. Each task is done and written by hand. Once it happened that the main quest was completed by an npc for me, that was hilarious. And what a variety in these same quests, it’s just a thrill and each task is remembered because the game also has an RPG system, yes, yes, don’t be surprised: kill a stalker, kill a novic… Read full


I don’t know whether it’s worth describing this masterpiece in detail since the game in today’s realities is, to put it mildly, “old,” but if there are those who have not played, be sure to go through and feel the whole atmosphere of the Zone. This game is incomparable to anything, just a separate world where dirt, blood, the pursuit of profit and the desire to go deeper into the Zone are mixed with a test of banal humanity in moments where you decide to help an NPC or simply kill him, and all responsibility for the decision is yours alone and even though this is just a game, many can understand what kind of people they are if they look at all their actions from a slightly different angle, so to speak) be sure to play, but remain human in any situation and happy hunting Stalkers!)


The game really immerses you in an atmosphere of hopelessness and apocalypse with its romance. When there is devastation and despair all around, the sounds of the guitar and the jokes of local stalkers around the fire fill the game with a certain romance.

A game of its time. I can’t say that I had a WOW effect while playing through the game. She seemed quite boring to me. I know that there is a huge lore in the world of Stalker, but the monotony of the missions makes you go through the game quickly through the plot and leave it in your memories and a check mark that you completed this game. It’s boring because there’s a lot of running back and forth, and because of this, I didn’t want to go through additional quests and drag out the game, and I had to wait until almost the last mission for the action itself.


It’s amazing how Stalker has found itself in trends again, most likely due to the release of HoCh.

We all know very well about this game, and about its diversity in the wasteland of Chernobyl and nearby villages.

The graphics are impressive for their time and there is absolutely no point in comparing them with games of our time, because this is an artifact that has its own characteristics. Music is one of them.

The songs and melodies recorded live give me goosebumps every time. My favorites will still be “Dirge for the planet” and “Live to Forget”.

Remember how we wanted to participate in all groups? So stalker is open to absolutely any modifications and thanks for this to our wonderful GSC.

The game is a legend, I don’t dare describe its disadvantages.

Gat approves and recommends passing :)… Read full

8 / 10
9 / 10
9 / 10
8 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

A game for those who love swag and want and cannot get into the exclusion zone.

Good game, I've played it more than once. The game has seven endings, two true and five false. There are glitches with quests that can freeze, but this will not interfere with the progress of the game. There are a dime a dozen artifacts, but take them all to Sidorovich. In general, you can write a lot. 10 Sidorovichs out of 10

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

Despite the office and their plans.

Graphics: 10 out of 10.

Plot: 10 out of 10.

Environment: 10 out of 10.

Locations: 10 out of 10.

I recommend some other classics at a discount.

Works even on mid-budget devices and laptops.


An excellent game from my childhood, I played it many times myself. Of course there are some bugs and shortcomings, but the game is very good with its atmosphere


The game is excellent, but the gloomy atmosphere is somehow too gloomy) What I liked:

PLOT - several endings and a bunch of side quests

GAMEPLAY - run and kill mutants, clear locations

search and collect artifacts - cool and enjoyable

GRAPHICS - in those days these graphics were super, but now after new games... mmm so-so

MUSIC AND SOUND - very suitable for the game

VOICE ACTING - this is probably the most beautiful thing in the game besides the gameplay — the guys did their best,

CONTROLS are also convenient, but we had to change the layout and sense a little.

Overall the game is super and this is one of those Russian games that is cool to play even now!

10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10
Sound and Music
10 / 10
10 / 10
10 / 10

I found out about the game in 2022. When I downloaded it I thought it would be a boring game but no. There are monsters in the game that want to kill you, and a lot of weapons. The game will run even on the weakest PC. I also got my friend hooked on this game))))