State of Decay 2 is the continuation of a remarkable zombie action game with a third-person perspective and survival elements. Together with friends... Read more
No Fall Damage.
You will not be damaged if you fall. Installation on this path %appdata% / Local / StateOfDecay2 / Saved / Cooked / WindowsNoEditor, it should look like %appdata% / Local / StateOfDecay2 / Saved / Cooked / WindowsNoEditor / StateOfDecay2 / Content /.
No Fall Damage.
Вы не получите повреждений при падении. Установка по этому пути %appdata% / Local / StateOfDecay2 / Saved / Cooked / WindowsNoEditor, должно получиться так %appdata% / Local / StateOfDecay2 / Saved / Cooked / WindowsNoEditor / StateOfDecay2 / Content /.
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