ScannerBlips. With this mod you can change the size and color of the icons that show the location of your requests from the scan room. Also, using the “L” key you can enable or disable the display of beacons.
Recycling Bin. With this mod, the trash can will destroy the object placed in it and turn it into ingredients. Items without a prescription will be rejected. Batteries and tools that are not fully charged will be rejected. Tools that are missing b ...
TheDepthsBZ Shader. A Reshade configuration designed to make the game both aesthetically pleasing and deadly terrifying. This shader will give your world a more gritty look while maintaining or enhancing the bright, poppy colors. This leaves you in d ...
Below Zero Data Bank Display. This mod contains a large database of various images from the world of the game, which you can insert into photo frames in your homes. Installation: - Unpack the zip file - Go to "C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapp ...
Disable Auto-add to Quickslots BZ. This mod disables the automatic addition of items to the quick action slot. For example, if you picked up a fish, it will not be added to your quick access bar. Only you choose which item you want on the Quick Acces ...
Metal From Fish. Extracting metal from fish. Higher quality materials such as Nickel, Uraninite and Kyanite are mined from "creatures" that require you to mine and hatch eggs there first. More common materials such as titanium, copper and lead. are o ...
Respawning Creatures. This mod makes it so that all creatures will respawn after death or falling into a trap. The game assigns default respawn values, so it just uses them. From my testing, it seems like small fish respawn every 5 minutes, medium fi ...
Pickupable Storage Enhanced. This mod allows you to pick up unfilled Carry Bags and Waterproof Lockers and even open them from your inventory by clicking the middle mouse button. You can use first aid kits and food/drinks/water purification tablets d ...
Advanced Highlighting. Adds many options to customize the highlighting feature, allowing you to enable highlighting only for certain types of elements and use a different color for each type, as well as the ability to add a ping (marker) to nearby PD ...