Manage Creature Spawns. Don't like a certain creature? Get rid of it. Have you ever wanted to get rid of those damn leviathans so much that you started mass genocide? Well, worry no more! In a couple of minutes you can remove an entire view from the ...
Extended Mineral Detector. Extend your mineral detection range at the expense of power consumption. By default, the range is doubled (200m from 100m) and power consumption is increased by 150% (0.5 default 0.2 per second). The values are configurab ...
Scanner Room Camera Light Adjustments. This mod adds the ability to change light intensity, light brightness, and light cone size on scanner room cameras. Camera lighting in the scanner room - You can adjust the light intensity - You can adjust th ...
Grav Trap Improved. You can now switch between the types of objects that the Gravity Trap attracts (and customize those types). Also, gravity traps now have an upgraded MK2 model with better parameters. You can switch between object types while the ...
Vitality (Customized Difficulty). Change different aspects of the game to your liking. Customizable characteristics (Cold / Health / Food / Water / Oxygen) for each game difficulty. You can change various game characteristics based on difficulty, inc ...
JukeBoxMod. You can change the colors of the jukebox lights and make the room musical. All options are located in the options menu in the section.
Realistic Visuals. I took the liberty of tweaking the visuals a bit so it doesn't look like you just increased the contrast. Looks much nicer, a little more realistic (less cartoony) but still retains the good visibility and classic look of Subnautic ...
Roll Control. This mod allows you to roll freely while piloting the Sailor. This allows the player to perform maneuvers such as verts and loops, and corrects rapid twisting when looking straight up or down. The default mappings are: - Roll left: Z ...
FreeLook. This mod adds a customizable button that allows the Mariner pilot to look in all directions while moving. By default, the FreeLook button has a left Alt. This button can be configured in the game mod options menu. Because the mouse is used ...
Tweaks and Fixes. Various tweaks and bug fixes. Errors fixed: - Some creatures did not have a VFXSurface component. -SpinnerFish did not respawn if killed by the player. - The Mariner modules did not receive damage from destruction. - The camera n ...
Base Leg Removal. A very simple mod with in-game configuration that allows you to disable some basic parts from creating supports during construction and much more.
Warnings Disabler. Mod to disable various warnings and messages (including startup disclaimer). You can now disable various game warnings and messages. You can choose what to disable in the mod's options menu or in config.json in the mod's folder.
TheShoresBZ Shader. In this shader I'm throwing away the gameplay considerations and making a purely aesthetic shader. The light will reach the depths of the original and most biomes will explode with colors. This shader uses Oilpaint styling to give ...
FabricatorNoAutoClose. This is a small mod that prevents the fabricator from automatically closing after you move away from it. Now closing occurs by pressing the shift key.