Disable Auto-add to Quickslots BZ. This mod disables the automatic addition of items to the quick action slot. For example, if you picked up a fish, it will not be added to your quick access bar. Only you choose which item you want on the Quick Acces ...
Terraforming Ability. Adds a terraforming feature. Functions: - Saves/loads modified terrain to/from saves. Saves only those areas of terrain that have been modified, reducing save size bloat, into a new CompiledOctreesCache folder in your save f ...
TheDepthsBZ Shader. A Reshade configuration designed to make the game both aesthetically pleasing and deadly terrifying. This shader will give your world a more gritty look while maintaining or enhancing the bright, poppy colors. This leaves you in d ...
Base Deconstruct Fix. When deconstructed in the original Subnautica, all corridors only return 2 titanium or 2 glass instead of the correct recipe. This mod fixes this so you can now get the correct parts.
Base Kits. Adds recipes for base building kits. When building, there are now 2 recipes for most base parts and some base modules. However, when you deconstruct, you will get back ingredients that are not included in the kit, so make sure you place th ...
Base Leg Removal. A very simple mod with in-game configuration that allows you to disable some basic parts from creating supports during construction and much more.
Deep Observatory Base. Multifunctional observatory with nuclear reactors in the biome of deep crystalline caves. This is a large base from an aesthetic point of view, but it remains functional. This base is like everything you need to stay comfortabl ...
Quit To Desktop BZ. A simple mod that adds a "Exit to Desktop" button to the pause menu. To install, simply copy and paste the QuitToDesktopBZ folder into SubnauticaZero/QMods.
FabricatorNoAutoClose. This is a small mod that prevents the fabricator from automatically closing after you move away from it. Now closing occurs by pressing the shift key.
a very cool superbase. This mod adds a new large base to the game that will amaze you with its size and appearance. Some things may be disabled because you don't have the mods installed that the author has.
Pickupable Storage Enhanced. This mod allows you to pick up unfilled Carry Bags and Waterproof Lockers and even open them from your inventory by clicking the middle mouse button. You can use first aid kits and food/drinks/water purification tablets d ...
Quantum Locker Enhanced. This mod increases the amount of storage space for your items in Quantum Vaults. Installation: 1. Install QModManager 2. Install SMLHelper Zero 2. Unpack the archive into the /SubnauticaZero/QMods/ folder. Should be /Stea ...