Subnautica is a single-player adventure set in a vast open world, with a first-person perspective, survival elements, and sandbox features. Playing... Read more
Original title: Expensive Infinite Batteries. Batteries are practically endless, but very expensive. Battery capacity: 999999999999. Crafting a battery: 3 ion cubes, 2 rubies, 2 uraninite, 1 kyanite, 2 deep mushrooms, 2 nickels, 1 diamond, 1 blue a ...
Original title: More Quick Slots (BepInEx). This mod allows you to customize the number of fast slots. Also prevents pick-up items from automatically filling slots. How to run: 1. Install BepInEx (version 5.4.21 recommended) 2. Run Subnauti ...
Original title: Knife Damage and Distance. This plugin allows you to change the damage from a knife and the distance to it. How to run: unpack the downloaded archive to this path SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/BepInEx/plugins.
No Loud Bangs in Cyclops. Stops small fish and bubbles from loudly knocking against the walls of your submarine. If Cyclops crashes into a stationary object, the "explosion" sound effect will still occur.
Battery Charge Indicator. Shows battery charge on quick item slots. If you weren't sure which batteries you need to charge soon, just by looking at the Quick Access Toolbar, you've just found the solution. This mod allows you to set your favorite ind ...
Cyclops Hull Reinforcement Module. Adds a Cyclops Hull Reinforcement Module that halves all Cyclops damage while equipped. For the mod to work you will need: SMLHelper, QModManager, MoreCyclopsUpgrades.
SeaLevelMod. Dynamically set the sea level in Subnautica using console commands, or even change it over time! Examples: sealevelspeed sets the sea level target. Examples: sealevelchange adjusts the sea level relative to its current level. Example ...
SpeedyMouse's Lost River Challenge. You find yourself in a lost river with limited resources to work with. Do you have what it takes to survive? Your goal is to get to the surface alive. Once you reach the surface, the task will be completed. From th ...
SpeedyMouse's Lava Zone Challenge. You're stuck in a Lava Zone with limited resources to work with. Do you have what it takes to survive? Shortly after Riley Robinson returns to Alterra, several research teams travel to 4546B to catalog the species ...
Better Recipes. Reworks some recipes such as Titanium Ingots, Plasteel Ingots, Advanced Wiring Kits and more. For the mod to work you will need: - QMOD - CUSTOMCRAFT2 (CC2) - SML HELPER
Subnautica - True Light. This mod attempts to improve the game's lighting visuals, as well as darkness and visibility. So what does he do? - Improves bloom, allowing light sources to produce more bloom in a variety of persistent situations - A str ...
Most Beautiful Bases. This is a save with 3 bases in different biomes designed for maximum aesthetics. Blood Algae Station: a fully furnished and functional base on the border of the floating islands and the Bloodweed biomes, directly above the ent ...