Games Sundered Files Tables Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 01/12/2020]

Table for Cheat Engine [UPD: 01/12/2020]

Author: cfemen
Size: 9.31 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: January 12, 2020, 03:17 PM
Downloads: 190


God Mode: — Бессмертие

-health wont drop and player gets no damage effect

Inf Jumps: — Беск. Прыжки

-you can jump as often you want in the air

Ignore Shards & Remove Max Skill Limitation — Беск. Осколки, Убрать Лимит Навыков

you can buy skills regardless of your shard amount, shards will still drop until reach 0

it also ignores the max limit for the skills, you can updrade a skill as often you want.

Finisher Always Ready — Добивания Всегда Готовы

-as title says

Ignore Heal Item — Беск. Аптечки

-you can heal regardless of the heal item amount.

Ignore Energy — Беск. Энергия

-you can keep dashing even if the bar is emptied.

Damage Multiplier x? — Множитель Урона

-activate script and set x? to any value you want (default 2)

Get Difficulty — Изменить Сложность

the game has a option to lower the difficulty, but you cant set it higher, so i made this script:

-activate script(not in the safe/skill room) to show the current difficulty, you can change it now from the dropdown menu.

The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Таблица для Cheat Engine [UPD: 12.01.2020]


God Mode: — Бессмертие

-health wont drop and player gets no damage effect

Inf Jumps: — Беск. Прыжки

-you can jump as often you want in the air

Ignore Shards & Remove Max Skill Limitation — Беск. Осколки, Убрать Лимит Навыков

you can buy skills regardless of your shard amount, shards will still drop until reach 0

it also ignores the max limit for the skills, you can updrade a skill as often you want.

Finisher Always Ready — Добивания Всегда Готовы

-as title says

Ignore Heal Item — Беск. Аптечки

-you can heal regardless of the heal item amount.

Ignore Energy — Беск. Энергия

-you can keep dashing even if the bar is emptied.

Damage Multiplier x? — Множитель Урона

-activate script and set x? to any value you want (default 2)

Get Difficulty — Изменить Сложность

the game has a option to lower the difficulty, but you cant set it higher, so i made this script:

-activate script(not in the safe/skill room) to show the current difficulty, you can change it now from the dropdown menu.

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