Games Super Mario World All reviews Review from OldBoySmile

Super Mario World

Mario remains a mystery to many of our compatriots. In particular, many do not understand why this game is so iconic. And why do so many people praise some children's game?

I decided to play Super Mario World in 2019, and the game answered many of these questions for me.

I played on the SNES emulator, and this game is very remarkable, since it is the first 16-bit Mario.

At one time, the game passed us all by because we only played Dandy and then Sega (All of the above were naturally pirated). Since SNES was extremely expensive in terms of production, and therefore it was extremely expensive to pirate it, in fact only a couple of units remember this console. And for many, Sega remains the only 16bit to this day.

Let's return to Mario.

This game appeared in 1990 and was fully released worldwide in 1991. This game is notable not only for its 16-bit nature but also for the first appearance of a green dragon in the world of Mario. In fact, the plot of the game revolves around saving the lizards that eat everything.

We have to play on a map (very similar to Tiny Toon which I played as a child) and it consists of 7 zones (each of which has secret levels and a boss at the end). During the level we can find a dragon that devours our enemies with enviable regularity. It is also noteworthy that Mario has some development opportunities. If before we had a short one, after the mushroom we had a big one and later a white jumpsuit with the ability to shoot balls at enemies. Now there is an opportunity to pick up a feather, which gives us a twist in close combat and the ability to soar in the air on the fly from acceleration. That is, if we accelerate strongly, we can fly through half the level.

At first, Mario World is very friendly and the levels are extremely easy to complete.

But don't be fooled, behind the pleasant visuals and variety of levels lies one of the most hardcore platformers. And I’m afraid if it weren’t for the ability to save after each level on the emulator, I would not have mastered this game.

So much for a Dark Souls fan.

How can we summarize everything that has been said?

Even then, the Mario series had everything for which it received worldwide recognition.

Point by point. Mario has very simple basic mechanics. On which, nevertheless,

extremely diverse levels are built. Just an insane amount of secrets that will be revealed only to the strongest players (To my shame, I found only 3 secret levels out of 10).

Very visually pleasing, and at the time of its release it was simply undeniably good.

Answering the question. What's so good about Mario?

The good thing about Mario is that when you play any part of it, you get the best platformer of its time. Hardcore, immense variety of levels, secrets included.

Such a tiny minus is my club-handedness, which did not allow me to pass all the secret levels. And perhaps a repeat of the bosses, to be honest, many of them are not very interesting.

Conclusion: If the game is pleasant to play after 28 years, then what is it if not quality??

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