Surviving Mars is a hardcore management strategy in a sci-fi setting from the creators of Tropico. You have to build a real colony on the surface of... Read more
Author: MrAntiFun
Edition: Steam
Version: Latest
Language: Eng
Functions: 2
Release date: 03/22/2018
Trainer capabilities:
- Besk. Credits (Inf. Credit)
- Besk. Research (Inf. Research)
Автор: MrAntiFun
Издание: Steam
Версия: Latest
Язык: Eng
Функций: 2
Дата выпуска: 22.03.2018
Возможности трейнера:
- Беск. Кредиты (Inf. Credit)
- Беск. Исследования (Inf. Research)
Useful links: