Games Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The HyperStone Heist All reviews Review from OPla Gaming

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (original, of course, from the 80s) are the heroes of our childhood, and this game is one of the few variations of entertainment associated with the green four (10 years ago it was not yet possible to get a comic book, a briefcase, and more God knows what happened to your favorite characters).

Colorful and familiar places, known to every single character - what more do you need? We choose a favorite and go kick enemies, making our way from one level to another.

But going it alone is not the same. Such games MUST be played with at least two people. There will be a place for joy, and frustration, and a fight with each other for the coveted piece of pizza for the ward. This is why we love games for two.

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