Skyrim Legendary Edition is an enhanced edition of the role-playing fantasy game with an open world The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, including all... Read more
Sauron's Dark Armor Reskin. This mod adds realistic Sauron armor to the game. The armor has low quality textures and a smaller model for compatibility with Skyrim Legendary Edition - PS3. You can find it in a barrel behind the Warm Winds house in Whi ...
vikings weapons and armor. This mod adds new Viking armor and weapons to the game, which the author tried to make as realistic as possible. Armor and weapons can be crafted at any forge. There are two types of armor: heavy and light, including helmet ...
BDOR Grotevant by Team TAL 200826. This mod adds a set of new armor from the game Black Desert Online. Includes: armor; helmet; cape; gloves; boots; shield; two-handed sword; one-handed sword.
Gloom Set. This mod adds a new armor set from the game Demon's Souls. Added additional items: Gloom Set repaint, Gloom Shield, Rapier, Shotel and Parry Dagger (off-hand) - a classic NPC weapon set.
Dragonmaster Armory 2.0. This mod adds new armor to the game and two-handed weapons that can be crafted at the blacksmithing station. The characteristics correspond to dragon armor. The armor is designed for men, but can be used by women (looks ok).
Dragonbone Barbarian Armors - 7B - UNPB - UUNP - CBBE - Bodyslide. This is a lightweight, skimpy but modular armor for female characters, available for SevenBase, UNPB and CBBE. Adds a female only, light and heavy armor set for 7B, UNPB and CBBE, con ...
DX Dark Knight Shield - LE. The Dark Knight's Shield, which now functions as a real shield. Standalone mod. Standalone Mod: This means you don't need to download the original DX mod if you want to as it is designed for universal use. Of course, a mal ...
DX Dark Knight Armor - UNP LE. This mod adds new ebony armor and shield to the game, which can be crafted at the forge. The armor is slightly stronger and lighter compared to the original ebony armor. The helmet, earrings, cuirass, gauntlets and boot ...
Immersive Armors. This mod adds many new armor sets that have been integrated into the world. They are balanced and distributed throughout the game world. You'll find new, power-matched armor sets from level 1 to 50+. This mod currently adds 55 new a ...
Heartbreaker. This mod adds a new weapon - the Heartbreaker dagger. You can find him in Black Briar Estate in Riften, in Maven's room. Weapon characteristics: Type: one-handed dagger Weight: 6 Damage: base 12, crit. 7 Reach: 0.7 Speed: 1.3 Enchant ...
Yee Haaaa Horse Saddle Retexture LE. Horse saddle retexture in 4K or optionally 2K, there is also a fashionable version and a mud overlay option. If you have Comfortable Horses installed, there is a patch that gives any saddle textures you choose fro ...
Magic Blade. This mod adds a set of magical blades from the Scissor Seven comic that are visually pleasing, fast and deadly. All swords can be created at the forge and enchanted.
Mehrunes Talon. This mod adds one new bow to the game called Mehrunes Talon. It is located in the right fire pit inside Mehrunes Shrine. Damage is slightly better than Daedric. Easier and faster. Can be crafted, enchanted, and upgraded with the Daedr ...
Ahzidal's Rings by Ave. Replaces Azidal's Ring of Necromancy and Azidal's Ring of Secrets with two new unique models. Same options for men and women. Both rings can be worn at the same time.
Leaf Blades LE. This mod adds a triple pack of new short swords with leaf blades. They are influenced by both Celtic and Greek motifs, but do not claim to be historically accurate. As always, they can be crafted and are marked as esl.