The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a role-playing game with action elements in an open world. It was developed and released by Bethesda for PS3, Xbox... Read more
Clean save on Skyrim LE, the plot is not touched, the DLC is not touched, only the thieves guild is completed, only one command in the console is used to marry Ingun Black-Briar. I have about 20 thousand gold in my pocket + the Windstad estate has been rebuilt.
Чистый сейв на Skyrim LE, сюжет не тронут, DLC не тронуты, пройдена только гильдия воров, использована лишь одна команда в консоли для женитьбы на Ингун Чёрный Вереск. В кармане где-то 20 тыс. золота + отстроено поместье Уиндстад.
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