This game has excellent gameplay, graphics, improvements and fixes to the mistakes of the previous part, and a very good skill system. But the plot is terrible, and there’s nothing to say about the changes made to please LGBT people. And the problem is not that these are LGBT characters. The problem is that they are integrated into the plot in a disgustingly crooked way! A pregnant woman who was not only sent on a “Combat Patrol to a hot spot”, but who also, without any complications or stress from pregnancy, fights with a whole cavalry of fanatical cultists, and then also with crowds of the infected! It’s as if she’s not pregnant at all, and even at such a high stage! And Leo, who is so ambiguous in his gender that it seems as if even the developers themselves do not understand who he really is, and absolutely all the game characters react to him as if the developers added his “ambiguity” in the very last days before release, forgetting to fix 70% of the dialogue, including NPC reactions. And I am silent about the main deception of all the players, because everyone was promised a game where Eli and Joel would go through the plot together, because Eli was going to take revenge for someone, most likely for Dina, and Joel was supposed to play the role of important support, including psychological support. All the trailers just screamed about it! What do we get as a result? A complete deception where Joel is killed at the very beginning, and in all the scenes from the trailers Joe is replaced with either Dina or Jesse, leaving Joel to play the role of flashbacks! I hope that the person responsible for this will simply be fired to hell!