The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the concluding part of the trilogy of adventures of Geralt of Rivia. In 2022, all its owners received a free next-gen... Read more
Midnight Swallow - Ciri's New Outfit Colors.
Changes the colors of Ciri's clothes based on Blop's fan art. These clothes were made by a tailor on Skellige. Ciri's bag has a Bear emblem and runes, indicating that it was made by the famous tailor Bjorn.
Midnight Swallow — Ciri's New Outfit Colors.
Изменяет цвета одежды Цири на основе фан-арта Влопа. Эту одежду сшил портной на Скеллиге. На сумке Цири есть Медвежья эмблема и руны, указывающие на то, что они были сделаны известным портным Бьорном.
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