Thief Simulator is a dynamic first-person stealth simulator where you will become the best thief in the world. Observe your target and gather... Read more
Author: MrAntiFun
Edition: Steam
Version: Latest
Language: Eng
Functions: 4
Release date: 11/14/2018
Trainer capabilities:
- Invisibility (Undetected)
- Besk. Improvement Points (Inf. SP)
- Besk. Money (Inf. Money)
- No Police Alarm
Автор: MrAntiFun
Издание: Steam
Версия: Latest
Язык: Eng
Функций: 4
Дата выпуска: 14.11.2018
Возможности трейнера:
- Невидимость (Undetected)
- Беск. Очки Улучшений (Inf. SP)
- Беск. Деньги (Inf. Money)
- Без Тревоги Полиции (No Police Alarm)
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