Games Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Files Savegames Save after each level and New Game+

Save after each level and New Game+

Author: fergu5
Size: 57.66 kB
Uploaded by: xam_xam
Date: February 23, 2025, 11:20 AM
Downloads: 8

In the game, unfortunately, there is no menu to select any level. Although they could have made such a gift for those who completed the New Game+. Therefore, it was decided to independently create an analogue of selecting any level through loading the corresponding save.

Created with the help of a Save Editor and Extractor.

Save Description:

  • All levels of the trilogy are available to start.
  • Start at the beginning of the level.
  • Lara is fully equipped from the start of the level (To make exploration easier).
  • Items in the levels are untouched for those who wish to collect everything themselves.
  • New Game+ is unlocked (You can download a separate clean file without saves with the ability to launch a New Game+).
  • Clothing is unlocked (With the release of Patch 3, the option to change the heroine's outfit appeared in the settings during the game. In older versions, the function is absent, but you can use this modification).
  • An updated version has been added, which has been adjusted so that the player can not only load any level but also continue the game from any save.


Download and unpack the archive. Place the savegame.dat file in the path (Don't forget to make a copy of your save, as it will need to be replaced with this file).


Just replace "USERNAME" with your actual username and "1234567890" with any numeric ID you see. This number is your Steam community ID, so if you have multiple accounts with Tomb Raider I-III Remastered, there may be several folders.

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