Total War: Rome 2
Total War: Rome 2 is a continuation of one of the best global historical strategy games, released in 2004. Expect the largest turn-based campaign, as well as the... Read more
Trainer (+15) [2.3.0: Build 18349] [MrAntiFun]
1521234168_total_war_rome_2_emperor_edition_v2.zipDownload 4.93 MBArchive password: vgtimes
Author: MrAntiFun
Edition: Steam
Version: Latest
Language: Eng
Functions: 15
Release date: 03/16/2018
Trainer features:
- Besk. Movement of Troops (Inf. Soldiers Mov.)
- Besk. Money (Inf. Cash)
- Age of Generals - 40 (Age 40)
- Public Order
- Mercenaries Available
- Besk. Agent Movement (Inf. Agent Movement)
- Add Population Surplus
- Besk. Ammunition (Inf. Ammo)
- God Mode
- Reinforcements in One Turn (Soldiers Reinf. One Turn)
- Buildings in One Turn (Building One Turn)
- Research One Turn
- Besk. Food (Inf. Food)
Автор: MrAntiFun
Издание: Steam
Версия: Latest
Язык: Eng
Функций: 15
Дата выпуска: 16.03.2018
Возможности трейнера:
- Беск. Передвижение Войск (Inf. Soldiers Mov.)
- Беск. Деньги (Inf. Cash)
- Возраст Генералов — 40 (Age 40)
- Общественный Порядок (Public Order)
- Наёмники Доступны (Mercenaries)
- Беск. Передвижение Агентов (Inf. Agent Movement)
- Добавить Популяцию (Population Surplus)
- Беск. Боеприпасы (Inf. Ammo)
- Режим "Бога" (God Mode)
- Подкрепления за Один Ход (Soldiers Reinf. One Turn)
- Постройки за Один Ход (Building One Turn)
- Исследования за Один Ход (Research One Turn)
- Беск. Продовольствие (Inf. Food)
Useful links: