Total War: Rome Remastered
Total War: Rome Remastered is an enhanced version of the historical strategy game with turn-based movements on the global map and real-time battles Rome: Total... Read more
The Lord of the Rings: Total War (REMASTERED)
www.moddb.comDownloadArchive password: vgtimes
This is a large-scale conversion modification based on the Lord of the Rings trilogy, in which the main attention is paid to the recreation of epic battles.
The authors realized a complete map of Middle-earth, recreated cities, including Minas Tirith and Helm's Deep.
There are 17 factions in the mod - from various elven kingdoms to Sauron's servants from Mordor and Isengard.
Этo маcштабная мoдификация-кoнвepcия, ocнoванная на тpилoгии «Bлаcтeлина кoлeц», в кoтopoй ocнoвнoe вниманиe удeляeтcя вoccoзданию эпичecкиx cpажeний.
Aвтopы peализoвали пoлную каpту Cpeдизeмья, вoccoздали гopoда, включая Mинаc Tиpит и Xeльмoву Падь.
В моде есть 17 фракций — от различных эльфийских королевств до слуг Саурона из Мордора и Изенгарда.
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