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50 achievements for Tropico 5 (Xbox 360)

Achievement Globalist in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Had 5 foreign powers in your Embassies at the same time
Achievement Cause of Death in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Cause of Death
Executed a Rebel Leader
Achievement A New Dawn in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
A New Dawn
Completed "A New Dawn"
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it
Achievement The Madness Of Crowds in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
The Madness Of Crowds
Had more than 500 citizens in a single game
Achievement Bureaucrat in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Issued 20 edicts in a single game
Achievement Fundamental Principles in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Fundamental Principles
Amended the Constitution 6 times in a single game
Achievement Good Sportsmanship in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Good Sportsmanship
Finished a multiplayer game
Achievement Booked Solid in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Booked Solid
Had Slob, Family, Cultural, Eco and Wealthy tourists at the same time on the island
Achievement History Will Absolve Me in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
History Will Absolve Me
Survived a rebel attack against the Palace
Achievement Infrastructor in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Built more than 2 000 meters of roads in a single game
Achievement Heir And Now in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Heir And Now
Recognized a new heir
Achievement Overqualified in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Had a dynasty member with a level 5 skill
Achievement Greasing Palms in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
10 Points
Greasing Palms
Bribed a Faction Leader
Achievement The Great Mogul in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
The Great Mogul
Had 10 different industry buildings in a single game
Achievement Extraordinary Popular Delusions in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Extraordinary Popular Delusions
Had all happiness values above 50
Achievement Mirror, Mirror On The Wall in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
Changed the looks of a dynasty member
Achievement Let Them Eat Cake in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Let Them Eat Cake
Survived an uprising
Achievement Putsch and Judy in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Putsch and Judy
Survived a Military Coup
Achievement Retro-futurism in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Advanced to the Modern Era before the year 1960
Achievement ... But To Take Part in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
... But To Take Part
Issued the "Host the Olympics" edict
Achievement Claustrophilia in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Won a Sandbox game on a Tiny island
Achievement United States of Tropico in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
United States of Tropico
Finished a game with relations of 100 with the US
Achievement Dictatorship 101 in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Dictatorship 101
Finished all tutorials
Achievement The China Card in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
The China Card
Successfully completed 5 trade routes with China in a single game
Achievement Mine! All Mine! in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Mine! All Mine!
Mined 100 000 ores and coal in a single game
Achievement Day 0 in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Day 0
Completed "Day 0"
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it
Achievement Back to the Past in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Back to the Past
Completed "Back to the Past"
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it
Achievement Leon Must Die! in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Leon Must Die!
Completed "Leon Must Die!"
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it
Achievement Project Beale in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Project Beale
Won a multiplayer game by points
Achievement It Prints Money! in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
It Prints Money!
Won a multiplayer game by money
Achievement Architerissimo in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Won a multiplayer game by construction
Achievement Naughty Docks in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Naughty Docks
Connected a dock with that of another player
Achievement To Live In Interesting Times in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
To Live In Interesting Times
Won a Sandbox game on an island with Relentless Disasters
Achievement Middle Manager Of The Revolution in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Middle Manager Of The Revolution
Had managers in more than 15 buildings in a single game
Achievement The Town Of Cityville in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
The Town Of Cityville
Built 150 buildings in a single game
Achievement Agricultural Community in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Agricultural Community
Had more than 20 Plantations, Hydroponic Farms, Factory Farms and Ranches in a single game
Achievement Everlasting Colony in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Everlasting Colony
Ruled for 100 months as a colonial governor
Achievement Made In Tropico in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
20 Points
Made In Tropico
Exported 100 000 Luxury Goods
Achievement Tower Defense in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Tower Defense
Had 20 Guard Towers in a single game
Achievement A Barrel Of Monkeys in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
A Barrel Of Monkeys
Earned $50 000 yearly revenue from Entertainment buildings
Achievement For Science! in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
For Science!
Researched all technologies at least once before the year 2005 in a single game
Achievement Think Tanks in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Think Tanks
Had 5 Army Bases in a single game
Achievement Sheep For Wood in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Sheep For Wood
Had a fleet of 12 trade ships
Achievement The Bay Of Pigs in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
The Bay Of Pigs
Survived an invasion from the USA
Achievement In Seventh Heaven in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
In Seventh Heaven
Reached overall happiness of 77
Achievement Friends With Benefits in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Friends With Benefits
Had relations higher than 90 with all factions in the Modern Era
Achievement Pension Plan in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Pension Plan
Earned over $$200 000 Swiss bank account
Achievement What Energy Crisis? in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
What Energy Crisis?
Produced and shared 1 000 MW of power with another player
Achievement Presidente's Seven in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
30 Points
Presidente's Seven
Had 7 Dynasty members
Achievement Hope in the game Tropico 5 for Xbox 360
40 Points
Completed "Hope"
Secret achievement
Click the "Show Secrets" button to see it