Customizable backpack
Backpack. Adds a custom backpack to your character with a custom weight modifier, allowing you to carry more items and possibly more weight. In the configuration file you can configure the following: - Hotkey (default B) - Backpack name (default b ...
Changing weapons on the run
Swap Weapons on the Run. This plugin allows you to change equipment while running. Installation at this path/Bepinex/plugins.
Reliable tombstone
Tombstone Secure. This mod protects your items inside the tombstone because it can block other users from accessing your loot.
Boss Summon Limit
BossController. This mod limits the summoning of bosses to a predetermined day in the configuration and allows you to change the number of items for summoning the first three bosses.
Showing container contents
Show Container Contents. Shows the contents of the container in hover text. The configuration file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.ShowContainerContents.cfg is created after running the game once with this mod.
Look into the container
Peek in container. Allows you to look into a container opened by another player. Functions: - You can now look into a container that is currently open by another player. - You will not be able to take or put anything on/from it. - If the player w ...
Fire sword
Ignite Sword. The mod allows you to ignite a sword by placing it in a fire source, which will cause it to deal additional fire damage.
Crafting Station Utilities
Crafting Station Utilities. This mod gives you many configuration options related to crafting stations (workbench, forge, stone carver, craftsman's table and sometimes cauldron).
Hero classes
Valheim Legends. Adds selectable hero classes to the game, each with 3 unique abilities. Slice through multitudes of enemies with your berserker fury, stalk your prey like a swift shadow, or unleash heaven's fury in a meteor storm - become a legend! ...
Building status display
Building Health Display. Allows you to customize the building status bar to change color based on status and show current/maximum and percentage status. Also optionally allows you to display part integrity and use custom integrity colors. Fully custo ...
Using chests anywhere
Deposit Anywhere. Adds an interface to chests to place items in all chests in an area. Goes through items in the player's inventory and places them in any chest in the area that also contains those items.
Customizing monster behavior
Monster AI Tweaks. Allows customization of monster behavior globally or for individual monsters, including whether they target players or buildings, whether they will be alerted, tamed by default, fear or avoid fire, and their vision and hearing rang ...
Removing a Death Mark
Remove Death Pins. Enable death mark removal by right clicking or obtaining a tombstone. Current functions: - Allow multiple death marks - Allow ! to cross the death mark! - Allow death mark removal by right click - Removal of death mark when grav ...
Free construction
Building Unleashed. This mod will help remove item wear, stamina requirements, and delays during construction and farming. Installation: 1 Unpack the archive into a folder. Do not unpack into the game folder. 2 Move the contents of the plugins fo ...
Battles without interference
Slope Combat FIX. Are you tired of fighting wolves on the slopes and not being able to hit them? This mod removes the restriction on the angle of your attacks, so you can now look straight down or straight up and hit things if they're within range. T ...