Names for animals
Name Your Tame. Change the name of your tamed animals. You will need to sit down to set the name, this can be disabled in the configuration file.
Own dreams
Custom Dreams. Valheim's dream system is actually quite neat, even though the current version only has ten dreams. This mod allows you to create your own dream sets and customize the dream display. Dream display settings include: - Custom font - Cus ...
Animals eat themselves
Auto Feed. By installing this mod, you can place a container next to the animal pen so that your animals can eat from the container. In the config you can set: - Assortment of containers - Feed prohibited types - Prohibited types of animals - Do a ...
Removing the error “No construction zone”
Build in Boss Trophy Area. Allows users to place and destroy objects within the boss's trophy zone (and Haldor's bubble).
Convenient crafting
CraftToStack. This is a bug fix mod that will allow you to craft items directly into a stack in your inventory if there is room, no empty slot required. Crafting will also pull resources from the smallest stacks first, freeing up inventory space.
Healthy swimming
Better Swimming. Increases the speed at which you gain the swimming skill (by 200%) and reduces the stamina required to swim (by approximately 50%).
Improved torches
Toasty Torches. Makes you dry out faster from torches and prevents you from freezing at night.
Correction of teleport activation distance
Teleport Activation Distance Fix. The modification allows you to change the activation distance of the portal's visual effects. Preventing unwanted activation of portal visual effects by the player and, as a result, improving gaming performance. ...
Random spawn location on the map
Mofo's Random Player Spawn Locations. Randomly selects the first player spawn location on each running map. Players will no longer (likely) start the game in the center of the map, and their spawn locations will be different from others (assuming the ...
Cart support
Cart Support. Allows nearby players to keep the cart moving, reducing the effective mass of the cart by a certain percentage for each nearby player. In in the configuration file you can set the following: - Maximum distance of the player from the ...
Endless fire
TorchesEternal. A mod that automatically adds wood to nearby fireplaces and resin to torches. Does not require these resources to be in your inventory.
Plant growth time
Plant Grow Time. Change the default growth time and drop rate of game plants. Based on seconds, a standard game day is 1200 seconds.
Bronze stone cutting
Bronze Stonecutting. This mod only makes one small change: it replaces the two iron rods in your stone finishing bench with two bronze rods. Now bronze is required instead of iron.
More slots for items
More Stacks. This mod adds a number of new placeable item stacks for metals, wood, and treasure, with a comfort bonus when building.
Removing glowing mushrooms
Glowing Mushroom Remover. Have you ever accidentally spawned a beautiful glowing mushroom but got tired of looking at it? This mod will remove this mushroom. The default hotkey for removing all glowing mushrooms within a given radius is F8. ...