A fantasy sandbox with survival elements. You can play alone or with others, exploring the world and gathering resources, finding and raiding tombs... Read more
Multi Breeder. This mod adds a building to the game. which will allow animals to be raised. - First you need to build a ramp up to the breeder's back. - Remove the two full and two half wall sections as well as the beams I used for the anchor point ...
Stanceas. You may have noticed that all troll caves look the same. So it's easy to build in and around it. At the bottom is a disguised portal with a chest on the other side to store ore in case you forgot and can't teleport. You can use a beam tha ...
Boxbase. Tiny (5x5x5) but complete base in a solid stone structure. The entire structure will support itself on any single section of iron base. The outdoor workbench is designed for easy access while hidden from mods. Outside/ground floor: - Wo ...
STARBASE. I really like zigzag walls because they look very neat from the outside. Small addition with a smelter. Blast furnace, furnace and mill. Stairs/ramp to fill. About 25 radii including overhangs.
Switchcode's treehouse. A house built around a tree. You will need a fully grown pine tree on an embankment of about 2 meters to lay down as a foundation. Designed to take up as little space as possible, the tree trunk is reinforced with stone from t ...
Small Base 2. Improved small base, forge and workbench. Everything except the windmill. External teleport door. Bed on top, spinning wheel, craftsman's table. Fermenters, several beehives. A little cramped, but really nice design.
House of Heid. My new edition of Velva's house and another beam maze! Still the same “excessive Valhalla style”. My intention was to make it look alien, organic and almost alive. I tried a few different ways to make a simple and beautiful way to get ...