Boss Summon Limit
BossController. This mod limits the summoning of bosses to a predetermined day in the configuration and allows you to change the number of items for summoning the first three bosses.
Multiportal room
How Many Portals Do You Need. This mod adds a small building to the game in the form of a room with a huge number of portals.
House of Groa
House of Groa. This mod adds a new house, which is made in a round style and resembles a tree.
Chain Hauberk
Chainmail Hauberk (Padded Armor retexture). Changed soft armor textures to make it look like it belonged to a wealthy Byzantine Varangian Guard chieftain or perhaps a Greek cataphract. To install, paste the folder into Valheim/BepInEx/plugins/CustomT ...
Upgrading soft armor
Padded Armor vanilla texture tweak. Minor adjustment for soft armor. The author changed the textures so that it looks like the character is wearing chain mail under a padded jacket.
Showing container contents
Show Container Contents. Shows the contents of the container in hover text. The configuration file BepInEx/config/aedenthorn.ShowContainerContents.cfg is created after running the game once with this mod.
Blue Dragon Fortress
Bluereed Dragon Fortress. A fortress built in Valheim can shelter a large community with varying needs.
Look into the container
Peek in container. Allows you to look into a container opened by another player. Functions: - You can now look into a container that is currently open by another player. - You will not be able to take or put anything on/from it. - If the player w ...
Kairos - Viking blacksmith and shop
Kairos - Viking Blacksmith and Shop. Here is the building with the store (vbuild). The interior can be converted into a forge. Ideal for community servers.
Basic watchtower
Basic WatchTower. A simple watchtower that you can use to protect your base. You should offset it depending on your terrain, average = y + 7.
Realistic foliage
Candyman's Realistic Foliage. A pack of exciting and realistic foliage and landscape textures. Current textures: - Beech tree - Birch - Oak tree - Disorderly bush - Terrain scattering, color and normals
Fire sword
Ignite Sword. The mod allows you to ignite a sword by placing it in a fire source, which will cause it to deal additional fire damage.
Silver Serpent Shield
Silver Shield of the Serpent. Replaces the default mesh and texture for the silver shield.
Recurve Hunting Bow
Recurve Hunters Bow. Replaces the standard model and textures for the Hunting Bow.
Exciting loading screens
Immersive Loading Screens. Replaces loading and spawn screens with more exciting ones using game concept and fan art. Also modifies the game's standard tooltips and loading text for facts from Norse mythology and real-life historical Viking quotes, a ...