Games War Thunder All reviews

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Иван (гость)
September 19, 2021

I've been playing this game for a long time, very rarely lately, but I look into it. You can compare it with how it was at least a year or a couple of years ago. Namely: Back then, the economic system of breakouts and graphics was still normal. yes yes graphics. Now all this is gone. The latest update is right on target and further confirms to those who are interested in this shit that there is no point in playing here. even if you take a year or a couple of years ago, playing on a premium account, playing actively, but for example, having lost, you could take away 1k experience 12-15k sulfur. Now, namely yesterday, 09.18.21, having played with my comrades in a platoon, I understood why my friends left this game, having each had 30k battles and a lot of hours. Having played an active battl… Read full


the tundra has sunk to the ground,

is a fake anti-cheat, YouTube is littered with videos of cheats for 2020, which supposedly are no longer in the project.

sale of broken premium equipment, for which there are officially accepted bug reports, the equipment is not repaired, but at the same time they do not even bother to remove it from sale...what is it called?.

the players are to blame for all the game's problems,

any complaint - a ban,

mention of cheats - a ban,

a mention of broken equipment - a ban,

a ban for everything that is not convenient or profitable for them ,

but bans won’t solve the game’s problems.

bug reports have been lying around for years,

nations are being molded into heaps with the same equipment, only for the sake of introducing more bonuses.

the turntables with ships didn’t come t… Read full

Sander (гость)
July 28, 2021

A game in which you will feel in all its glory all the delights of RPU (personal oppression mode). The goal of the game is to pump maximum money out of players. Regardless of the skill, everyone should die as evenly as possible and donate and donate to the limit, otherwise you won’t even have 10 lives to level up to the top. Therefore, do not be surprised by the miracles of tanking when you are one-shotted by some kind of *assassination, which in principle does not penetrate you, and you get stuck and cannot kill some cardboard. Just look at your opponent's stats later...

Ferat (гость)
May 8, 2021

The presence of a built-in RPU code in the game (Kirill Yudintsev himself admitted its presence on the stream when he voiced how the game system works at the initial levels). He himself burned this scheme, that the game plays along with newcomers. Because of this, the physics of the game is turned into insanity, when shells cannot penetrate cardboard, or when a heavy tank is destroyed with one bullet, or when a shell flies through a tank and nothing happens. The dominance of cheaters and the complete absence of any fight against them, poor fleet modes, which are more like the mode of paper boats in a puddle until someone boards a plane and that’s it. Everyone is tired of stupid point captures and senile maps for tanks that are more like a cattle pen. The developers were only smart enough t… Read full

Alkonafter (гость)
July 12, 2021

This is an ordinary shooter, there is no physics that the developers claim. Tanks jump on bumps like cardboard, they can’t knock down a tree, a shell goes right through the tank and there’s no damage, etc. Without paying for a premium account, you are just a texture that moves around the field and even branches pierce it, you, in turn, do not pierce anyone, all because of the RPU introduced into the game, which really does not allow you to play. Only cheaters and premium accounts play here. Cheaters are not banned because the developers don’t have the brains to weed them out. An ordinary marketing project to suck out money for a new generation of “consumers”. Everything in the game is geared towards donations and money injections. There is no point in writing on the forum, since it is mode… Read full

Александр (гость)
March 7, 2022

Finished balance since the fall of 2021, nothing but plums, you can really feel the twist of oppression of a single player. With 60% in the arcade there are already 47... Throws only into the bottom teams (1-2 wins, 5-8 losses, not losses, namely drains, where allies with one unit of equipment go from respawn and die within 2 minutes, and then to the hangar), the support answers one-sidedly, it’s you and your 14 colleagues who are playing crookedly. In principle, it became not pleasant to play. What's the point of spoiling your mood, deleted, UG.

Валерий (гость)
September 9, 2019

I still play now. But at the moment I can give a negative review. My computer is rather weak, but when I started playing in 2013, everything was just great. The problems began with the transition of Snails to a new engine. The question is - What for?! For the quality of everything? Yes, it was already good. And the game did not ping! I didn't plague! And it didn’t freeze, although the ping on the screen, the plugin, and FPS were normal! If the Snails don’t meet the needs of many ordinary players, like me. Those who don’t have the opportunity to purchase sophisticated computers, then I’m afraid their rating will soon drop very quickly. But the game is great! But playing has become simply a nightmare. You go out (fly out) into battle and just make sure that the PL icon doesn’t turn red. Otherwise, out of the blue it just freezes!!!!!

Руслан (гость)
March 16, 2022

At the moment, the game is designed for donations and they will attract them with all their might. You do not get upgrades for your equipment and crew to the unit’s current tier. Those. you will either drive ancient carts for a very long time to upgrade their crew, or you will move through the shooting ranges of tanks and planes as a bot and cannon fodder, which donors trash due to the incredible advantage of a pumped-up crew. Because of this, everyone who doesn’t donate can simply sit in ambush on their spawn for the entire round or start driving around the entire map while you are being destroyed.

Currently the game consists of 90% negative rounds in terms of impressions. It took me about ten hours to understand this trash—it’s not at all a shame to quit the game after such an experience.

А778 (гость)
January 18, 2023

Furious RPU. It is impossible to remove anyone. Hit, hit, non-penetration into cardboard from a self-propelled gun with 200 mm penetration, ricochet, projectile through a tank, disappearing projectile, projectile into space. You throw artillery into a hundred battles and nothing, and if you don’t run away, then count it in the hangar. Old farts of the 100th level, covered with bushes on br 1.0 which cannot be penetrated, the RPU screws them up, you can see so much money in the figachi.

If you want to play, just repeat the mantra to yourself: hit, hit, missed, ricochet, hit, hit, missed, ricochet...

nikgoldman (гость)
March 8, 2022

The game freezes periodically. While the hang is going on, you've been caressed! Then, tanks of equal class, I throw three shells into it, or even five, and it doesn’t care! He extinguishes me with one shell, at an unimaginable angle of impact! Shooting at airplanes is a complete mess! I hit him point-blank, he doesn’t care, they can also remove the marker from both the tank and the plane and it flies in from no one knows where or from whom! Complete disappointment!!!

Alien Vampire (гость)
February 6, 2023

War Thunder is a piece of feces. Here's how to briefly describe the game.

Balance is dead. And to hell with the difference in the combat rating (b.r.) of equipment. But how can you balance pre-war, war, post-war and more or less modern technology on one level on ONE BR? How do you like the equipment on the same battlefield, of the same class, but of different nations, when one has a 200mm penetration of a top-end shell, and the other, God willing, has 160mm?

Cards! ABOUT! This is a crap extravaganza! One is worse than the other, and they also fall out several times in a row with the same mode. From the point of view of landscapes, it’s great. But from a gameplay point of view, they are useless!

Cheaters are a dime a dozen. Shooting without a crew, a completely knocked out gun or a breech. Air… Read full

Leonchuk (гость)
February 8, 2023

A real garbage dump, worse than WoT. 140+ penetration is not enough to penetrate 30-50mm of armor, taking into account that you hit 1 target 3-5 times in the green zone. At the same time, from the base, aiming at the sky, they kill you across the entire map, the shell flies through the entire city and forests and hits the inspection hatch, or they also drive through the floor of the map immediately, they didn’t have time to leave, shot, shot. There is no such rubbish even in WOT. The T34 has become an imbecile, it doesn’t penetrate anything at all in 80% of cases, neither into the green zone nor to the side anywhere. The gun has more than 2 times more penetration, but often does not penetrate. I don't recommend this trash can


I haven't been playing for long. I have experience playing other tank games.

Var thunder - the only plus is the implementation of damage from vehicles.

That's it... Then only the cons

Graphics? there are better ones

Interface - it’s unclear who made it...

There are a lot of bugs.

Even if you buy a premium account (regularly paying money, by the way), you will play MINUS.

You can buy a premium tank... But again - BUY. And only play on it. Sad...

Scolding the developers is prohibited. Scolding mistakes is prohibited. Opened his mouth - ban.

You need to carry money for the company silently.

Prizes and gifts sometimes cause bewilderment, sometimes infuriation.

I wish there was a button - to shuffle them to the developers in the place they thought.

It’s especially joyful to receive a gift; in order to use… Read full


I play with CBT. I've never seen such a nasty update before.

Freezing, freezing after 2-3 battles at any graphics settings.

Reinstalling the client and drivers does not work.

It’s simply impossible to play, I’ll say more:

The game itself changes the configuration of computer settings that are not related to the game itself.

For me, she became simply dangerous.

сргей (гость)
October 8, 2023

I want to say about the game war thunder after the last update the game just got bad armor the tanks don’t have shells flying past who the economy has become just terrible you get killed quickly you didn’t earn anything and how to play if you hit someone and he continues to drive around shooting at this game has become meaningless for you, you will no longer hone your skills, the cards are the same, although I played under a different nickname and wrote about the cards, they wrote to me that everything depends on the rank, it’s all a lie, the service turns out to be a lie, and they also lied about the RPU that you don’t have no restrictions, all these lies gave them dengue licks

Гость (гость)
April 18, 2022

not very good impressions of the game, I can’t see the enemy, but he sees me everywhere and shoots me, but if I see him, I can’t kill him, there are no more crits all the time. constant repairs, inaction, fire, or the tower doesn’t spin, everyone is sitting in ambush and waiting, I want to go and fight, World of Tanks compared to Vartander is just an ideal game, I’m better at doing something there.

Андрей (гость)
November 3, 2022

The game itself is fun, lots of technology. It’s not an intrusive donation; in principle, it’s not needed for anything except for purchasing for a collection. However, they donate well, but despite this, work is most often carried out in completely unnecessary directions. They make graphics, but why do they need them if most of the players play at the minimum. Bugs are fixed that no one has ever seen. But constant problems have been hanging around for years


Gameplay of the game: spawned, reached the point and died from a brow in the bushes. He spawned and was immediately killed from the other end of the map. Great game. There is no balance, a terrible economy, it takes forever to pump. Any shot you make is a hit, and you are killed with 1 shot. And the worst thing is that a lvl 100 player can take a br 1.0 tank and destroy newcomers.

thunderbolt656 (гость)
February 8, 2024

I've been playing Tundra for quite a long time and very actively.

positive; once in 100 battles you will not be killed by a rat from under a bush 2 km away from you

map; there is only one satisfactory map in the game - Poland (and only after the change) all the others, especially Karelia and Stalingrad, are an unplayable bush rat breeding ground (if anyone knows a card maker, please pull him out of the basement)

equipment: zero balance, the most adequate Shermans, T34 , Abrams, Leopards, everything else is either for the fierce rats of donators or cheaters. aircraft RB, AB. I tried it once and scored, the gameplay is boring and dreary (the balance is also shit)

penetration and damage system: here there is only mate penetration with a 76mm cam the crew turned yellow (pissed themselves from laug… Read full

Лемешкин Денис Николаевич (гость)
March 1, 2020

The game is undoubtedly cool, I’ve been playing since 2013, BUT, dear developers, if you continue to shove all sorts of cr... (like helicopters, ships) into it, then your rating will fall lower and lower. I love to fly and I don’t need your ships at all. Make a separate game with ships, let anyone who likes it play. Many of my friends have already left this game due to the fact that computers simply stopped pulling the whole thing. My computer is also starting to give up because of all this unnecessary husk. Developers, think you've gone in the wrong direction. No offense.
