Watch Dogs 2 is a continuation of the hacker action game in the open world with a third-person view. The events of the game take place on the streets... Read more
Main Game completed
Additional tasks completed
Lots of money
Level 23
Lots of followers
Clothes purchased
Weapons purchased
Cars purchased
Purchased Coloring Books
All applications in the phone have been purchased
All scoutX points found
All Driver: San Francisco rewards received
All that's left are collectibles and events.
Основная Игра пройдена
Дополнительные задания пройдены
Много денег
Уровень 23
Много фоллоферов
Куплена одежда
Куплены оружия
Куплены Машины
Куплены Расскраски
Куплены все приложения в телефоне
Найдены все точки scoutX
Получены все награды Driver: San Francisco
Остались лишь коллекционные предметы, события
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