Wolfenstein: The New Order is the legendary return of the famous series about Nazis, black magic, underground experiments and grandiose conspiracies... Read more
Save 76%Wolfenstein The Old Blood: Completed the entire campaign
Difficulty level "COME"All perks are unlocked
All letters found
All the gold has been collected, golden pistols have been opened
Not all characters are open
Path: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The Old Blood\base\savegame
Сохранение 76%Wolfenstein The Old Blood: Пройдена вся кампания
Уровень сложности "ПОДХОДИТЕ"Открыты все перки
Найдены все письма
Собрано все золото, открыты золотые пистолеты
Персонажи открыты не все
Путь: C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\MachineGames\Wolfenstein The Old Blood\base\savegame
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