Games World of Tanks All reviews Review from Леха Деповской (гость)
Леха Деповской (гость)
September 11, 2024

I’ve been meaning to write a review about the game “World of Tanks” for a long time, and now I’ve finally gotten around to it... There’s no point in writing to the developers: they have one answer to everything - “This is the dynamics of the game”... I’m expressing my purely subjective opinion, but I think I’ll express the opinion of the majority of people who at least devote some time of your life to this... game...

It's no secret that the toy from the very beginning had some glitches, for example, as if the car was hidden behind a ledge, a stone or even though it’s not visible, but if you point your sight at the hatch itself, the car begins to light up and you can slowly break through the hatch, although I repeat that the car is visually completely in cover... There were quite a lot of similar glitches, but everyone unanimously put a bolt on them and They continued playing calmly.

With the transition to the LESTA GAMES servers, and especially with the release of update 1.28, glitches increased not only in quantity, but also in quality and volume exponentially!!! For example: when exiting battle mode, it is kicked out of the client. And not only that - sometimes before the start of a battle, when you are already in the application and waiting for the start of the battle, you switch to another window, and when you switch back you discover that you have been safely kicked out of the server. When you return to the game, you see your burned car. And you could also put a bolt on this, if it happened a little less often, but this happens in almost 45% of cases!!! With the update to 1.29 (this is absolutely darkness!!!!), the percentage of emissions increased sharply to somewhere around 70%. I’m already silent about the fact that servers often slow down under heavy load, and even without it: I pressed the shot, you’ve already been burned to death and your projectile hasn’t even left the gun barrel yet, and I don’t even mention freezing. Or you drive straight, turn right, and continue driving straight for another 2-3 seconds... And this is far from the question of the speed and quality of Internet services supplied by the provider!!!

Let's move on... Imagine this situation: you stand in a position and shoot through the bushes at random - suddenly someone is hiding... Well, who doesn't do that?! So, do you think that out of 8 shots at least one shell hits exactly the place where you are aiming?! Yes, that's FUCKING TWO!!! And this, mind you, is when playing on a PT!!!! I’m already silent about the TT... Speaking of the PT... Well, I love the ISU-152... It was a good car... Although it was always difficult to play on it... But here... This is generally... Not only has it become almost like artillery (as much as 5 seconds!!! During this time, everyone manages to leave, and especially the light weapons... and especially the wheeled light weapons...), but also with its D-4S gun with a caliber 152 mm (!!!!!!!!) when fired (with gold!!!!) at level 7 ST, for some reason I can’t penetrate his armor!!!!!! Aphids, what kind of fucking nonsense!!!!!!

“Karachun”... Tier VIII TT premium tank. For some reason, on the PT, also level VIII (!!!), I cannot penetrate it with gold (!!!) from the front under the bottom!!! Does he even get through at least level X tank from the front??? And why hasn’t he been identified as Mouse yet???!!! It's high time!!!

And this wonderful option from the developers called “scatter”... Yes, well, I understand that a large distance is between 2 and 3 circles, but the projectile flies in the direction of 5 meters!!! And this is with full mixing!!!! Developers!!!! Did you even go to school???!!! There were such wonderful subjects as mathematics and physics!!!

Damage... With a critical hit you take out 830 damage, but only 343 are counted... The dynamics of the game are like this...

You look out from behind cover, shoot at the target you are aiming at and aiming at and... you end up in a hole from behind which you shoot !!! How is this even?!! It turns out that in order to fire a shot from behind cover, you need to completely get out of it? What about the same laws of physics??? Or does the shell fly out from the side of the barrel, and from the side of the shelter???!!! Nonsense...

Equipment. Why can’t I install, say, a “Commander’s Surveillance Device” on the TT? Maybe I want my TT to have a larger viewing radius and detect the enemy earlier!!! Why can’t I install a “Vertical Stabilizer” on my favorite ST??? I also think it’s nonsense...

And art is generally a separate caste: shells fly against all existing laws of physics - according to all laws, it should hit the target, but it flies past!!! It seems that the people who write the code are far from mathematics and physics...

By the way, regarding physics... As you know, if a car tilts to the right, then if you turn the steering wheel to the right and give a little gas, the car will level out due to centrifugal strength (in my opinion, if I'm not mistaken). In the game, why the hell will it even out!!!

They began to give silence for swearing in the chat for 3 days... Well, what did you achieve? 90% of the players stupidly turned off the chat... But because it’s impossible not to swear at some individual who not only doesn’t understand the meaning of the tactical purpose of his car, but he also stupidly doesn’t look at the mini-map, but looks into the chat only to read unflattering reviews about yourself and your behavior on the battlefield!!!

By the way, about the characteristics of the cars... LESTA is simply fed up with changes in their characteristics!!! Well, you released the car, why the hell are you starting to tighten it up after a month of its existence???!!! And if you remove the speed, then add the thickness of the armor or increase the penetrating power of the projectile... If something is taken away, please give something equivalent in return!!!! You don’t need to go far: MAUS, a German TT level 10... Once upon a time it could not be penetrated by anything except a land mine, artillery shell or from the stern... Now it resembles the American T32 with its plywood side armor, so at least it has a decent gun, but here... They took away the armor - give it speed and increase penetration ability!!!

No matter how much they tried to solve the problem with cheaters, they never solved it, although this problem can be solved fundamentally and simply (in my opinion). But I won’t tell you how to do this - the developers are smart...

I really want to ask the developers: “Gentlemen, do you even play what you picked up yourself? And not like from a privileged account and 3-4 battles per month, but like ordinary ordinary people: sign up for or or any other mailbox and play 30 battles a day on one machine to feel all the intricacies of the game on her. And at least 1 day on just one machine...”

Summing up all of the above, we can say that the people leading this project not only don’t know what they are doing, but they still don’t want to find out and don’t even want to hear about it this!!! The toy contradicts elementary logic.


Lekha Depovskaya

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