Steampunk outfit from the game AION. If something went wrong, use this: Show spoiler Hide spoiler ; Caesar ; Constants ------------------------- ; Overrides ------------------------- [TextureOverrideCaesarHairPosition] hash = 6 ...
The set includes 2 versions, with leggings and shorts. You can restore the accessories by replacing the quingyi.ini file. Can switch between leggings and shorts using H or J. Updates: 0.8 - Patch 1.2 compatible and hair fixes. 0.7 — added the ...
New fixes for version 1.2: Ellen, Zhu Yuan, Jane, Enby, Piper, Qingyi, Grace. Fixes for the previous version 1.1 are also included in this script, so you only need to run this script to fix character mods that are broken due to the version update. ...
This mod has a total of 10 options. Switching keys: white outfit switching keys - [ and ]; black outfit switching keys - ' and ; (these two keys are located below [ and ]); undress key - / ; hat switch key - . (to the left of the question ...
Key binding: H - switch jacket; Hold the [ or ] button to adjust the brightness of the glow. Corrections: 1.2 - fixed for update 1.2. 1.1 - support for working with patch 1.1.
This is a swimsuit mod for Ellen. The author got rid of all the white aprons and polished his legs and butt a little. Updates: 1.2 - updated for version 1.2. Fixed the line texture around her belly to avoid separation.