Switch keys: hair = Ctrl + up arrow or Ctrl + down arrow; body = Shift + right arrow or Shift + left arrow; Enbi weapon = Shift + up arrow or Shift + down arrow. Updates: 1.1 - eye options - select one eye in the Face folder. Red/bla ...
This is a mod to fix characters with broken textures. This only includes fixes for playable characters. Frequently asked questions: didn't work. Reload a new copy of the mod that hasn't been modified and try again. didn't work. Make sure the ...
Luciana de Montefio is modified to have slightly larger breasts, larger hips and a thong. Her helmet was replaced with a hair tie made from parts of a helmet model, and her boar mask was removed. The body mesh is taken from the Haesecker mesh as it ...
Changes Qingyi's body to a more toned one. Updates: Fixed some minor problems with textures If you need more transparent stockings, copy the texture from the third compressed package to the mod directory and replace it.
Higher and wider jacket, taller shorts. The author tried to leave the proportions as close to the original as possible. Switch clothes to key.
This mod removes Ellen's shoes and stockings. Changes: 2.1 - Just a quick little fix to 1.1. Minor file size optimization as I removed unnecessary stuff in folders. v2 - the leg model has been changed to a slightly updated version. Added outli ...
Slight change in hairstyle for Jane Doe and removal of tie. Several options included. Updates: 1.1 - textures have been removed, reducing the size and reducing the likelihood of overwriting in other mods.