Ayaneo has officially unveiled its new handheld gaming PC, the Ayaneo 3, which is now available for pre-order on Indiegogo. The device stands out with its modular controls, allowing users to adjust button layouts, and powerful hardware options, including a choice between the AMD Ryzen 7 8840U and Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 processors.
Ayaneo 3 Technical Specifications:
A standout feature of the device is its modular controllers, which can be flipped, swapped, or replaced with alternative modules offering touchpads or additional buttons. The base model with Ryzen 7 8840U, 16GB RAM, and 512GB storage is priced at $699. The top configuration with Ryzen AI 9 HX 370, 64GB RAM, and 4TB storage is priced at $1799 (~177,000 rubles). The "Magic Module" set, offering additional controller features, can be purchased separately for $99. Shipping is scheduled for April 2025.