Trainer (+9) [Update 1] [MrAntiFun]

  • Mortal Kombat X — Trainer (+9) [Update 1] [MrAntiFun]
Author: MrAntiFun
Size: 4.01 MB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: July 3, 2017, 11:00 PM
Downloads: 859


Inf.Health - Immortality

Fast Kill - Fast Kills

Inf.Energy - Infinite. Energy

Inf.Xray - Besk. Xray Attacks

Enemy No Xray - The enemy does not use Xray

Freeze Timer - Freeze Timer

Inf.Krypt Koins - Infinite. Coins in the Crypt

Inf.Fatality Koins - Infinite. Coins Fatality

Inf.Skip Koins - Infinite. Pass Coins

Switch Effect to Player #2 - Switch Effect to Player #2


  • Activate Krypt cheat first then buy something "Spend some Krypt koins" then buy something again and you will see the effect
  • Switch effects to Player #2 should be used if you want the cheats like health , energy , xray to effect player #2 instead of Player #1 , Player #1 is the player with health bar on left and #2 is the player with health bar on right.
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Трейнер / Trainer (+9) [Update 1] [MrAntiFun]


Inf.Health — Бессмертие

Fast Kill — Быстрые Убийства

Inf.Energy — Беск. Энергия

Inf.Xray — Беск. Xray Атаки

Enemy No Xray — Противник не Использует Xray

Freeze Timer — Заморозить Таймер

Inf.Krypt Koins — Беск. Монеты в Крипте

Inf.Fatality Koins — Беск. Монеты Фаталити

Inf.Skip Koins — Беск. Монеты Пропуска

Switch Effect to Player #2 — Переключить Эффект на Игрока №2


  • Activate Krypt cheat first then buy something "Spend some Krypt koins" then buy something again and you will see the effect
  • Switch effects to Player #2 should be use if you want the cheats like health , energy , xray to effect player #2 instead of Player #1 , Player #1 is the player with health bar on left and #2 is the player with health bar on right.

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