A Silent Desolation
A post-apocalyptic survival simulator set on Earth in the distant future. The main character is an interstellar traveler who, due to a ship crash, ends up on Earth... Read more
A Silent Desolation News
Latest news and rumors about A Silent Desolation for today and 2025. Here you will find all the new trailers and teasers for A Silent Desolation, learn the release date for PC, when the game will be available on other platforms, and other announcements. We will also write about the system requirements for A Silent Desolation for PC, about pirated cracks and the appearance of the game on torrents, from where anyone can download it for free. And if the game has not yet been released, then here you will read fresh rumors about the game: about possible locations and cities, heroes, and the plot of A Silent Desolation.
A Silent Desolation, a new open-world survival simulator with anomalies and acid rains, will be released on Steam
A solo developer known by the nickname SHK Interactive is creating a post-apocalyptic survival simulator for Steam, set on Earth in the distant future. Earlier this month, the developer published a gameplay trailer.
March 27, 2024