Continuation of the series of popular flight simulators Ace Combat. The plot of the game tells about the second continental war, where the player... Read more
F-22A Cherry's Delight Mod Pack. This mod contains: - 6 F-22A skins based on the anime "Cherry Blossoms" featuring characters from - 2 character portraits - Colored traces from the plane - Missile blocks HUD - Emblem "Chibi GAU-8"
F-15 SMTD -Ofnir-. This mod will add a new skin that is based on aircraft from Ace Combat Zero and Ace Combat 5. Installation: 1. Go to the folder with Ace Combat 7 installed. 2. Create a folder "~mods" in Game/Content/Paks. 3. Copy one of the d ...
F-4E Phantom II Trigger Campaign Conversion. This mod will add two new skins for the F-4E aircraft. Installation in this path steamapps/common/ACE COMBAT 7/Game/Content/Paks/~mods
F-104 Starfighter Trigger Campaign Conversion. This mod adds 2 new skins for the F-104 aircraft. To install, place the .pak files in this path /Steam/steamapps/common/ACE COMBAT 7/Game/Content/Paks/~mods
Su-34 YAF 172nd Guards Squadron. The Yuktoban 172nd Fighter Bomber Squadron participated in the final battle of the Circum-Coast War at Sudentor as part of the coalition forces created to stop the true instigators of the war. In honor of this, the sq ...
A-10C -Boarbatusk-. This mod adds a beautiful coloring in the form of the head of the creature "Grimm" from the anime RWBY. This skin is designed for the A-10C aircraft. INSTALLATION: 1. Go to the folder with the game Ace Combat 7. 2. Create a fo ...
Su-34 -Strigon-. The Su-34 aircraft appeared in the game Ace Combat 6 and there it was in the livery of the Strigon squadron. Many people loved this color, but in part 7 it disappeared. And so, the author of the mod returns us this skin, made in exce ...