AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss is a real-time fantasy strategy game with an isometric view. A new optional way to complete the entire game. Instead of playing as a regular human empire, playing as a necromancer gives you control of a mobile fleet that feeds on living creatures from other universes. You will be able to capture enemy outposts, create skeletons and wights from enemy ships, and go on quests against the Templars and Nainzul elders.
If these factions don't interest you, then perhaps you will be interested in a completely new evil and treacherous type of player, the necromancers. When playing as the Necromancer faction, you can choose either a completely new way to play as the Necromancer Empire, or a supporting role in multiplayer games as a Necromancer's assistant. As usual, new ships, mechanics and buildings that come with DLC have been added to further spice up the game.