Alan Wake 2
Saga Anderson, an experienced FBI agent, is sent to the city of Bright Falls on the Pacific Northwest coast. In this town, hidden among mountains and forests, a... Read more
Less blur

A simple reshade preset to eliminate blur in this game with minimal impact on performance. How to run: unzip to the game folder.
Removing Blood Effects

Removes on-screen blood effects when the player's health is low (this is not just a recolor or ini edit, this is a real mod). How to run: unpack this path EpicGames/AlanWake2.
Pros and additions

Custom FOV, HDR, no depth of field, no vignette, no lens distortion, and turning off TAA and forced sharpening are all modular options that let you choose what you need.
Nextgen color correction

This mod has been carefully designed to enhance color tones to create a realistic feel and deliver a vibrant color palette reminiscent of the original Alan Wake game. How to run: install Reshade version 5.9.2 (select Directx 10,11,12) and selec ...
DLSS improvements

For DLSS users. Enhances fine detail and sharpens general texture details such as clothing, grass, tree bark, facial skin, hair, etc. To work you will need ReShade .
Simple realistic reshade

This shader makes Alan Wake 2 a little brighter (stronger global illumination effects), but with better shading, detail and post-processing effects. The shading style is optimized for stereoscopic 3D. To work you will need - . ...