Save (3 different saves each)

  • Ascension to the Throne — Save (3 different saves each)
Author: Servick
Size: 256.62 kB
Uploaded by: Missiya
Date: March 3, 2020, 03:13 PM
Downloads: 921

Three different saves for each game to choose from.

1) The Persians are pumped up, a lot of points and money (see screenshot below)

2) Persians are pumped up, no money, a lot of points

3) Persians are not pumped up, a lot of points and money

Place saves in the game folder.

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Сохранение (По 3 разных сохранения)

Три разных сохранения для каждой игры на выбор.

1) Персы прокачаны, много очков и денег (смотри скрин ниже)

2) Персы прокачаны, нет денег, много очков

3) Персы не прокачаны, много очков и денег

Сохранения кидать в папку с игрой.

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