Assassin's Creed Mirage
Adventure stealth-action from the third person Assassin's Creed Mirage moves the franchise's action to the Middle East, to 9th century Baghdad. The main... Read more
Saving after killing Al Ghul [Repack 1.0.6]
sokhranenie-posle-ubijjstva-al-gula_1732620782_736046.zipDownload 83.97 kBArchive password: vgtimes
In this save, Al Ghul was killed.
Received costume Milad, dagger Samsaam, sword Shamsher-i Zumarrudnigar.
Unfortunately, all viewpoints are not synchronized and not the entire map is unlocked.
Installation path:
- Assassins Creed Mirage/SAVE_GAMES/6100.
The file name and description have been translated Show original (RU)Show translation (EN)
Сохранение после убийства Аль Гула [Repack 1.0.6]
В данном сохранение убит Аль Гул.
Получен костюм Милада, кинжал Самсаама, меч Шамшер-и Зумарруднигар.
К сожалению, не синхронизированы все точки обзора и не вся карта разблокирована.
Путь установки:
- Assassins Creed Mirage/SAVE_GAMES/6100.
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